Page 49 of Kissing Plans

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She didn’t have time to protest. He’d lowered her onto the counter, his skillful fingers skating between her legs, invading her private area. Next, he jumped up next to her and showed her how he could love her in the kitchen.

“That was a quickie,” he said in her ear, “just to fulfill your wishes.”

“Huh… My wishes?” Her eyes rounded.

“Last night, I saw you brushing your hand sensuously over the quartz. I can take a hint.” His eyes glinted with amusement.

“You’re crazy. I never meant…” She couldn’t finish her sentence and burst out laughing.

“Let’s go upstairs to shower. You can use my bathroom. Towels are in the closet. I’ll use another one. If you don’t mind, we’ll relax in the spa during the morning.”

“Okay, I’ll wear my bathing suit.”

After exploring the bathroom, she enjoyed her hot shower, and couldn’t help thinking of Royce as a teenager and a young man living in this mansion, but warned herself not to say anything. This guy would twist a compliment to his advantage, and assume she was hinting at making love in the shower, although... What was the matter with her? She’d never thought she would turn into an insatiable lover in his arms.

Urging herself to breathe deeply and calm down didn’t help. She couldn’t stop visualizing him next to her. Think about work. No, not good. Who knows maybe he would soon suggest making love on her desk. She couldn’t help laughing. Any dull setting could turn into a haven for love with Royce at her side.

“Susan, are you okay?”

Bummer, she’d taken too long, daydreaming in his shower.

“Yes, yes.” She hurried to dry herself and slip on her black bathing suit, a decent one-piece, that she’d rarely used, and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Wrapping a towel around her, she opened the door. “All done.”

Royce was in swim trunks, a towel casually thrown around his shoulders. “I was afraid you’d drowned in there.” He laughed, but she blushed as she remembered her train of thought. He stopped by the kitchen. “I’ll get us cans of pop. Sprite, Coke, Diet?”

“Coke is fine.”

He grabbed two cans and opened a door to the backyard. They stepped out into a glassed-in patio, a large hot tub to one side.

“This room isn’t heated, but the sun hitting on the window warms the place.”

“A real solarium. Wow, this place is amazing.”

He removed the tub cover and pushed two buttons to adjust the temperature of the water and activate the whirlpool jet. After feeling the water, he entered the tub, and extended an open palm to help her in. “Go easy and slow. It may feel too hot at the beginning.”

She took his hand, climbed the two steps, and lowered herself into the hot water. “It’s heaven.”

He sat across from her and handed her a can. “You haven’t told me about your job yet. How do you like it?”

She talked about her classes, students, colleagues, and staff meetings. They chatted and laughed the way they always had three years ago. Royce was still her best friend, the only person to whom she could tell her stories without a second thought. He encouraged her to start the Youth Club again and promised to help her as he had years ago.

“How about your job?” she asked.

He related his recent problems, explaining in layman’s words the technical difficulties and how he’d solved them for one client. “Next week, I’ll work on the other two.”

Two hours later, they were still remembering fun gatherings from the past and planning new activities.

“I think we should get out. Wait. There’s a chill in the air. I’ll hand you the towel.” He jumped over the ledge, threw a towel onto his shoulders and wrapped another one around her as soon as she stepped out of the tub. “You go ahead inside and get changed. I’ll see you in the kitchen for lunch.”

She walked straight into the kitchen, pulled out a container of lasagna from the freezer, and set it on the counter, then climbed up totheirroom. After a quick shower, she dried her hair, curled the ends and took her time applying her makeup. Dressed in velvet, mustard-colored pants with a pale yellow blouse, she sprayed herself with perfume.

She found Royce in the kitchen preparing hot chocolate. “You closed the hot tub?”

“First, I stopped the jets, lowered the water temperature, and added sanitizer. It’ll be ready for the next time.” He turned to her with a mug in his hand. “How about hot chocolate to warm you up?” His eyebrows shot up, and he grinned. “Wow, you look lovely, babe.”

“Apparently, you were cold, too. You gave up your shorts.”

He burst out laughing. “Only for the time being. I thought we should be decent while eating your mom’s lasagna.”
