Page 68 of Kissing Plans

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Chapter Eighteen

Royce had trouble believing his ears when Susan had declared she would go with him to the house. Maybe she wanted to keep the sleeping bag as a memento of their crazy night. It wasn’t every night that such a decent young woman, respectful of her family traditions, threw all caution to the wind and enjoyed a special tryst with her boyfriend. Wow, his well-brought-up, well-behaving Susan was loosening up.

From the car, Royce texted Officer Grant that he was on his way to the house and hoped he wouldn’t have to face a new scare like last week.

“All is well. Officer Grant said not to worry.”

Royce parked his car in the big garage and deactivated the security alarm. Susan jumped out right away, entered the kitchen, and ran down to the basement.

Surprised by her eagerness, he followed her as she stopped staring at the sleeping bag.

She knelt on the floor and lifted the top of the bag. “Can I go in for a moment?”

“You bet.” She must have relaxed after the officer’s promise.

She crawled into the bag, head first, wriggled inside it, and emerged smiling. “I feel so good now.”

Her excitement a jolt of adrenaline, he knelt on the floor, “Coming with you, babe. Stay there.”

She hadn’t removed her jacket and he didn’t bother to take his off. He pulled her against him and crushed her mouth in a blazing kiss, his tongue tangling with hers.

Unable to control himself, he glided a hand under her sweater and fondled her breast. She moaned. “Susan, my love. I’ve missed you so much.”

“Me, too.

“We can have a quickie.”

“Okay, but I’m not taking off any clothes.”

Who cared? He could manage with clothes on. He reached under her leggings and painfully squeezed two fingers under the tight silky piece. Susan’s moan reassured him he’d reached the right spot, but soon he cursed. Making love with all clothes on in a sleeping bag was a real pain. He would never be able to continue with the leggings on. He tried pulling them down. She held on to them for dear life.

“Susan, it’s not working like that. I need to take them down.”

“Ah.” She peaked at her belly and her tightly closed legs. “Okay, only one leg out of the leggings and panties. I don’t want to lose them.”

“How on earth would you lose them in a sleeping bag?” he grumbled, his excitement deflating.

“I’ll take care of it.” She freed her left side from all its lower clothing and submitted him to the same treatment, the right side of his pants and underwear tossed aside.

“Better but not great.” His frustration had spoiled the mood and relaxed the wrong muscle.

“Go ahead. We’re good.”

“No we’re not. I’m not.”

“Why?” She glanced down in the sleeping bag. “Oh… I’ll take care of it,” she said resolutely and wrapped her hand around his flaccid member, rubbing, stroking, squeezing, and suddenly spinning and disappearing inside the bag.

The wet warmth of her tongue worked magic. In an instant, he was harder than rock.

“You’re amazing. Enough, babe. I’ll take over.” Swiftly protecting himself, he resumed his loving caresses on her body and pushed into her core. Her moans mingled with his groans, until they reached an explosive orgasm. “Love you babe. It was incredible. I heard thunders and bangs, and saw lightning and silver rays.”

“Royce, I hear the bangs…on the door. Someone’s at the door, Royce,” she screamed, shaking him off her.

“At the door? No way. They told me—”

“Get dressed, please.”

“Right away. I’ll kill them.” With his trunks and pants hanging to his body, he was dressed in one minute, and stood. As efficient as him, Susan rearranged her clothes and inched out of the sleeping bed.
