Page 70 of Kissing Plans

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He remembered her weird digging inside the sleeping bag and glanced at her, grinning. “Don’t tell me you forgot your panties? Or maybe your bra?”

“No, silly. My special pantyhose.”

His grouchy mood melted, and he laughed with her. “The one with our initials? Branding the sleeping bag as your love nest? Fabulous idea. Did you get them back?”

“You bet. It’s the first thing I did when we arrived. It’s in my pocket. Imagine the scandal if someone found it. Tonight I checked the bag before we left and made sure we didn’t lose anything. I’ll stow the sleeping bag under my bed.”

“Excellent idea.” He slowed down in front of her dark house and got the bag out for her. “Night, love. We’ll talk tomorrow. I wonder what brought my father and Lillian here now.”

Quite satisfied with his evening, Royce drove home with a smile on his face. He had never expected Susan to accompany him to the family house, and even less to make love again in the sleeping bag. He chuckled at the pantyhose story. A good one. Most importantly, getting back her pantyhose had restored Susan’s good mood, and putting the sleeping bag to a good use for the second time had bolstered up his own.

At home he heard Kasem whistling and remembered he’d promised to vacate the condo. Determined not to bother his roommate he sidled to the kitchen. Kasem was sitting in a chair, his feet up on the isle, a glass of amber liquor in his hand.

“I didn’t mean to disturb—”

“You’re not. The lady left.”

Royce studied his face and asked cautiously, “How did it go?”

“Great, perfect, wonderful. You’re looking at a happy man who’s now engaged to the most beautiful woman in the world. Have a Grand Marnier to celebrate with me.” Kasem poured a drink and raised his glass. “You can congratulate me.”

Royce clicked his glass against Kasem.

“Congrats. To your happiness. But you’ve been happily engaged to a beautiful woman since the day I met you.”

Kasem spit his sip. “Bite your tongue, man. This is real love, a forever commitment.”

“Great. Just allow me to remind you that you can’t keep both fiancées. At least not in the USA.”

“Of course not. I plan to talk to Susan. The problem is that if I break up with her, her brothers will expect me to pay the penalty. It’s in the contract.” Kasem raised a desperate look. “I don’t have a penny.”

“Can’t you make them understand the relationship is not working? Come to an agreement?”

“I wish… Those two men are bullies. My brother is even worse. I’m thinking hard. I’m sure I’ll find a solution by December first. Now let me enjoy my happy days.”

“Your lucky days you mean? Not many guys are lucky enough to have two beautiful women.” Royce grumbled, wondering when he would be able to date Susan openly.

“Sorry, man. I know your situation is not funny. When is she coming back?”

“Who?” Royce looked at him blankly.

“Your wife.”

“My…” He frowned, quite fed up with the useless and cumbersome lie. “There’s no wife, Kasem. Do I look like a married man?”

“You look like a playboy and you have the reputation to match.” Kasem snickered. “I suspected for some time that something was wrong with the invisible wife. But why the lie?”

Royce blinked a few times thinking of a plausible explanation. “It wasn’t my idea. Susan introduced me as a married man because she thought you’d refuse to live in my condo if…”

He let his sentence trail.

“What a silly idea. Susan is so narrow-minded. Anyway, I couldn’t care less now. Enjoy your bachelorhood, my friend. I was like you. Now I prefer being hooked to my beautiful Tracy.”

“Well, you’d better find a solution quickly before she finds out the truth and blows your head off.” He raised his glass again. “To your future. And to mine.”

He smiled, finally envisioning a happy ending for him and Susan. They finished their drinks and went to their rooms.

Royce texted Susan.

Love you, babe. Things are working. Our friend here has a serious girlfriend. Give it a few more weeks to work, and trust me please. Good night.

Her text arrived right away.

Love you. Trust you. Good night.
