Page 73 of Kissing Plans

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“You’re not. Tracy is here,” he mumbled into his friend’s ear.

“Why? How?”

“Not sure.”

“Tracy, sweetie, so good to see you.” Lillian hugged her. “Heidi, I’m so glad you brought her. Years ago, Tracy trained with me when she was a beginner, and I was still working at the Winston’s Clinic.”

“I’ve missed you, Lillian. I was so happy when Heidi insisted I should visit.” Her high-pitched laughter galvanized everyone’s attention. “Besides, dear, I have such great news to share with you and the staff.”

Radiant in a simple red silk dress molding her perfect figure, Tracy swayed toward Kasem, her smile as fiery as her reddish blond hair, curling down her back.

“I’m cursed,” Kasem muttered. “Buddha, help me.”

All eyes fixed on Tracy.

“What next?” Royce whispered.

Tracy waved her hand, showing her ring. Gasps filled the air at the magnificent ruby surrounded with diamonds.

“Look, Lillian,” Tracy crooned.

“Oh my God, is that what I think it is?”

“Yes, it is. My engagement ring.” She giggled.

“Congratulations, sweetie. Where’s the lucky and so loving fiancé?”

“Right here.” Tracy danced from one foot to the other and threw her arms around Kasem’s neck. “Kasem my love, you haven’t told them our happy news yet?”

“Huh… No… Huh… Not yet.”

The happy fiancé had trouble breathing.

“Well, dear friends, let me announce that Kasem and I are engaged. We love each other so much. He proposed, and I accepted.” She wiggled her hand, red light sparkling from the ring.

Complete silence greeted the news, then Mrs. Chen jumped to her feet.

“What kind of joke is this?” Her crisp voice slapped the air. “Kasem, I demand an explanation. You’ve been engaged to my daughter for three years. What’s this woman talking about?”

“Damn.” Royce rubbed a hand over his face, and glanced at Susan’s pale face and tight lips. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he whispered, “Keep your cool.”

“I’m very calm, very interested, and ready for the grand finale,” she answered with the same tone. She stepped forward clawing Kasem’s shoulder. “Yes, Kasem, explain yourself. Are you breaking our engagement?”

“Your engagement?” Tracy squealed. “How dare you?”

“Listen to me, young woman.” Mrs. Chen grabbed Tracy’s hand in a steel grip. “This ring belongs to my daughter. I chose it myself with Kasem’s mother. He was supposed to give it to Susan on their wedding day.”

“No way. It’s my ring, and it’s staying on my finger.” She snatched her hand away from Carol Chen and caught Kasem’s arm. “Kasem, tell these liars, tell them you love me, tell them I’m the only one in your life…” Her voice broke. “You didn’t cheat on me, did you, Kasem?”

“Never, Tracy. You’re my only love.” He pulled her against him, holding her in his arms, as he released a deep sigh. “There’ve been problems in the past. Three years ago, my brother and Susan’s brothers arranged a marriage for us. It never worked.” Ignoring the guests gaping at the unexpected scene, he caressed her hair. “Don’t cry please. I’ll fix everything.”

“Really? How, Kasem?” Susan snapped, her tone crisp. “Before you can propose to her, you should break our engagement.”

“Susan, you know we never got along. It’s your fault. You kept postponing our wedding.”

She snorted. “Maybe you’re in love with her now, but you still love my inheritance more, enough not to break up with me.”

“Tell her you don’t want her, or her pennies, Kasem,” Tracy squealed.
