Page 74 of Kissing Plans

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“Yes, we should end our engagement right now, but I can’t deal with your brothers. I have no money to pay the penalty for breach of contract.”

“That’s your problem. Sell this ring,” Mrs. Chen spat. “It’ll cover—”

“Never.” Tracy screamed. “Never, ever. No one’s touching my ring.” She hid her hand behind her back.

“Well then, borrow.” Mrs. Chen crossed her arms, not ready to give an inch.

“Please Mae Chen, try to understand. I can’t even borrow. I already did for a house, thanks to Royce.”

Susan spun toward Royce. “You… You helped him? Oh Royce…” She smiled and lifted an appeasing hand. “I have an idea that would solve the problem and get my brothers off your back,” she said in a sweet voice. “We can agree that we both don’t want to stay together and—”

“Okay. We agree together, at the same time, that we are breaking up.” Kasem huffed. “What about your brothers and mine?”

“Instead of you paying a penalty, I will keep mysin son, my dowry.”

“Great idea.” Kasem exhaled in relief. “Keep it and get these bullies off my back.”

“But you won’t get a penny from my inheritance—”

“Tracy is more important to me than any inheritance.”

That won him a blazing kiss from his passionate fiancée and a round of applause from the guests.

Susan turned to her mother. “Mae, would you agree?”

Mrs. Chen caught her eyes. “Is that what you want, Susan?”

“Mae, I’m not staying with a man who’s just announced he loves another.”

“She’s right. She shouldn’t.” Tracy bobbed her head vigorously.

Ignoring Tracy, Mrs. Chen studied her daughter. “Then you’ll be free, but on your own, all alone.”

“Yes, finally. That’s all I want.”

“No, I can’t continue to worry about you.”

“Worry for what, Mae? I’m almost thirty, and I have a great job.”

Now was the chance Royce had been waiting for.

“Mrs. Chen, can I have a word with you?”

“Not now, for heaven’s sake. We have an important problem to solve.”

“Please, now.” He came to her, put his arm around her back, and dragged her aside. “Mae Chen, can I ask you for Susan’s hand in marriage?” he whispered in her ear, before she had time to protest.

Startled, she scowled. “Are you serious?”

“Very serious, Mrs. Chen. I’ve loved Susan for ten years. I suffered hell while she was engaged to others. But I waited, hoping against hope for a miracle. It’s happening.”

“Oh my God. You do love her.” She scowled, peering at him, trying to detect any lie, behind his offer. “She’s been engaged for ten years. Her brothers will insist on an immediate wedding.”

Joy filled his heart. “I’ve said it before. I would be happy to marry her tomorrow. She loves me, too. She couldn’t agree to marry Kasem because of me.”

“Susan, come here.”

He stood aside giving up his place next to Mrs. Chen so Susan could sit.
