Page 7 of Ravaged By Passion

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“Why were you in Malcolm’s office yesterday?”

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t lie to me now.”

“Does it matter? I’m fired. I can’t get anywhere near him ever again.”

“Who are you working for?”


He inches closer. “You’re lying.”

“I’m not.” I clench my jaw and glare. “I’m working for myself, okay?”

His lips part. “And why would you risk your life to go through that man’s office?”

“Why would you?”

“I’m reckless and I’ve got a death wish. Besides, Malcolm doesn’t scare me. I’ve dealt with worse.”

“I’m all those things too, and I’ve got nothing to lose.”

He smiles at that. “I want to offer you a job.”

I blink rapidly, digesting, and take a long sip of my wine. “I’m sorry, you want to what?”

“Offer you a job.”

“Why the hell would you do that? You caught me snooping in my boss’s office.”

“You were looking for something you can use against him, right?”

I hesitate and wonder if I could lie to this guy’s face and get away with it. I decide that’s extremely unlikely. “Yes, I was.”

“Good. I like that. And I like the way you kiss. Come work for me.”

“I’m not going to—” My hands clench into fists. “I’m not working for you like that.”

He laughs, delighted, and takes a sip. Giovanna tosses me a look and I nod at her like I’m okay. She seems unhappy, but doesn’t come over.

“No, I don’t pay for that, don’t worry. When I fuck you, it’ll happen because you begged me to do it.”

“God, you’re such a prick.”

“No, I want you to come work for me because we have a common enemy. We both dislike Malcolm Strafford, and I like that you were willing to go to dangerous lengths to hurt him. I can give you what you want.”

“I doubt that.”

“Don’t doubt me, princess.” His eyes sharpen and he’s staring like a predator. “That would be a mistake.”

My heart’s racing and I feel dizzy from the alcohol and the stress and the strange, diffuse desire warring with my natural inclination toward hating this guy. He’s an arrogant mafia bastard and reminds me so much of all the other arrogant criminal dickheads I’ve known over the years. I know what getting involved with him will lead to.

But he’s also a Bruno. He’s got access and power and more funds than I can ever dream about.

Five minutes ago, getting revenge against Malcolm seemed impossible.

But now, with Gavino’s help?
