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The weight of the world settled on her shoulders. She couldn’t pack up her place in the time that she had. It held a year’s worth of memories which were priceless, plus dress materials, shelves, books, planners, crystal dishes…

“Here, have a seat. You look like the world is about to cave in on you.” Juniper followed her friend’s direction and before she could see what she was doing a bottle of whiskey and three tumblers were in front of her.

“This is not your fault, Jun.”

“I know but I let my heart get in the way. I didn’t even know it was possible to fall so fast and hard for a guy. Why didn’t you guys warn me?”

“I doubt that’s even possible. It’s sort of a thing you can’t warn about. It just happens, ya know.” Ivy gave a single shoulder shrug as she unscrewed the lid and poured each a glass.

Callie pulled up a chair and joined her. “What are you going to do now?”

“He already paid off your bank debt, right?” Callie took up the space on her other side.

Juniper cringed. “I didn’t keep it. I instructed Mr. Siggs to return to sender this morning. I’m pretty sure he almost had a heart attack when I said that, but he did as requested.”

“I’m sure he did,” Callie agreed.

With the help of the hooch and the comfort of her friends, the tears started and refused to stop.

“I’m sorry, It’s just…”

“It’s just that you have a broken heart.” Ivy wound her arms around her and held her for a long moment.

“And how am I going to come up with twenty-five grand by tomorrow to save Vows from Juniper?”

“Your family.” Both answered in unison.

“I’ve been saving.”

“Me too. And whatever we’re missing we can get from friends, more family and I’m sure neighbors will help with what they can. I don’t think anyone would have a problem forking it over for you, Juniper. You just have to know how to accept help.”

“That’s right.” Callie topped off their glasses again and she took a healthy swallow. The tingle and burn going down took her mind off the other burn she felt.

“I’m sorry. I just thought I could do everything on my own. There for a while, I forgot I didn’t have to.”

“It’s one of your good and bad qualities, babe.” Callie winked at her.

Juniper sighed. “I just thought I could trust him. The one time I didn’t use my list and followed my heart and look where that got me.”

“It got you experience. Now you can view the world with your eyes a little more open.”

“The sex was fucking amazing, but my heart is a little more closed.”

“On the contrary. Now you can appreciate the power of love. Now you can take off those rose-colored glasses and see what someone will do for those they love.”

Callie was right. She never saw it that way. Marshall loved his family more than anything. And maybe anyone. He’d do anything for them and had said as much. Even if it meant hurting her in the process, she guessed. Lessons learned the hard way.

“A toast.” Ivy raised her glass high.

“What could we possibly be toasting?” She gave her a long side-eye.

“Love, silly, and its many facets.”

Callie raised her glass and she followed suit, “A passionate sex, love and its burning, healing, all confusing facets.”

Callie raised her glass again, “Another toast.”

“At this rate, we’ll be spending summer with a major hangover.” But Juniper raised her glass anyway.
