Page 17 of Savage Justice

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“When I stretch that hole and make no mistake, Nova, I will have you wrapped around my cock. You’ll be screaming my name and begging me to drive inside that pussy over and over again. That’s a promise,malyshka. A promise.”

I bite the insides of my cheeks. Oh, God. My body betrays me. Flaming heat of embarrassment hits my cheeks. Warmth pools between my thighs and the hard tips of my nipples might as well be open invitations to tease and suck them. His gaze falls to them for a moment causing them to harden further. But the deep chuckle, the sound of his pleasure at seeing my reaction to his bold threats, that is my undoing. An inferno builds inside me and I can no longer tell if it’s for him or my flaming rage.

Holding my gaze, he reaches out to take a tip between his thumb and forefinger. Degree by degree he pinches and squeezes until I fear his words might come true. I might beg him for everything he’s promised.

But not tonight, if ever.

The thought of him being right sends another wave of anger through me. “I’ll never ever want this. I’ll never want you.”

His eyebrows rise and those gray eyes of his pin me to the mattress with a look of victory. He reaches out and fingers the satin of my dress letting his hand fall to my quivering chest just above my breasts. “You’re already in my bed. I’d say that’s half the battle won.”

My prison keeper walks away leaving me cuffed to his bed.

I’ve hated a lot of people in my life but nothing like what I feel right now for this man.

My life just went from bad to worse.



The next afternoon, sunshine drifted into a late spring cold front and the somber gray weather fits my mood as the city’s outline comes into view. We take a left and roll off the main drag several blocks before finding the dingy warehouse Rage set up for our meeting with a trio of new clients from Chicago. The Genesis men. Not much is known about them except they have deep pockets. That’s all that matters in the end. And we owe a good club friend for sending clients our way on more than one occasion. I twist the throttle and glide down the road a little faster. I agreed to this meeting before everything went down with Nova. The longer I’m away from her, the more time it will take for me to work her over to our side. My dick still aches for a taste of her sweetness, but pushing her to find her limits has been more than one kind of challenge. I for one find it hard to resist her tempting curves and soft skin.

But like I’ve said, when I take her she’ll be fully willing to take every inch of my hard cock.

After a thirty-minute ride to the city Rage rumbles in beside me and we both kill the engines to our bikes. Silence surrounds us and we sit like that for several minutes.

“You couldn’t have picked an underground garage or something?” My breath is an angry, gray mist in front of my face. My friend doesn’t deserve my irritation. It’s not his fault events rolled out last night the way they did. All I need is her to calm down enough to listen to reason, but that doesn’t seem likely any time soon which puts our timetable in jeopardy.

“Since when does the cold bother you?”

I shrug. “Shit has me on edge, is all my brother. I half expect those twit Volkovs to make the mistake of trying to ambush us. The smarter one hinted as much back at the auction the other night.”

“The men locked the area down as usual.”

I force myself to relax. The last thing we need is our new potential customers to see me hot wired. They sense one thing off and they’ll back out. And we are not in the business of losing money. I force myself to visualize Nova, on my bed. Instead of wearing that damn dress, she’d only be wearing my cuffs with the masses of her hair fanned across the black cotton sheets. The idea has me calming the hell down and fast.

Beside me, Rage drags his helmet off and slides it onto the handlebar. I do the same.

“The Volkovs are not smart, or should I say stupid, enough to try and off us. Not in broad daylight. It’s not their MO, brother.”

I give him another shrug. “You’re not wrong on either account but you don’t have to be smart or clever to know how to point a gun. If it was a prerequisite, we’d be out of business.”

“True. So when are you gonna say what’s really bothering you? Because I know it’s not the brothers. We’re handling that shit just fine.”

“Are we?”

I cup my hands in front of my mouth and blow on them. “I tried talking with her this morning and ended up with a solid foot to my solar plexus. She is worse than a rabid animal. And now she’s had a chance to sleep and plot for hours. Makes her twice as dangerous. I figure another day or two and she might be willing to calm down enough to where we can talk. But do we have that time?”

“Do you blame her? Wouldn’t you be pissed as hell if someone cuffed you to a bed AFTER purchasing you?” Rage stops and scratches his beard telling me he’s contemplating his next words carefully. “Ever consider just letting her go and letting her make her own choice?”

“That’s how she got away from me last night. Not making that mistake again.” I rub at the kink in my left shoulder and work the muscle. I’ve had deep tissue massages before but she reached new levels last night with her fucking ninja moves and my chest still feels tight when I breathe.

Rage throws his head back and rips a roar of laughter. “’Bout right.”

It takes him a minute to calm down and I sit there with my hands shoved into my pockets trying not to freeze my balls off.

“So we’re sitting out here on our damn bikes with icicles hanging from our balls all because you have a woman in your bed and you can’t get her to talk to you.”
