Page 31 of Savage Justice

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He keys the remaining cuff and the second my hand is free I bolt for the door with fifty pounds of wedding dress in my wake. Inches away from shoving the slab of wood open, I find myself stopping cold, turning when I hear what he says in such a calm voice I almost think my sleep-deprived brain must be hallucinating.

“You go; your sister dies. I told you. You can learn the hard way no one goes against my word. Or you can make this difficult and I can lock you to the bed until I am done with you.”

“What did you say?”

He stalks toward me, his impressive size shoving my smaller frame. Two-thirds of me is all dress and it’s no match for the hundreds of pounds of muscle he’s hulking around.

“You heard me, little girl.”

He plants his feet and crosses his arms over a wide chest as solid as a wall. Unmoving.

“You leave, I won’t lift a finger to help your sister. She dies the death you were meant to die as well. At the hands of some cruel master who will use her, fuck her virgin body, and then dump her when he’s through taking everything she has to offer his dark appetite.”

My hatred for this man solidifies. “You fucking bastard.” Let him do his worst to me, but my sister. No. I’ll save her myself.

“Tell me you don’t already know this.” His lips peel back and his anger matches mine. “Tell me, Nova Masters. Tell me I don’t speak the truth.”

His face is level with mine. My heart is thumping out of my chest.

My hand twitches and I do the unthinkable. I aim high and take the best swing of my life and hallelujah holy shit, does it hurt! I hold back a groan of pain when my knuckles strike the hard bones of his jaw. With my chest heaving and heart racing.

“Don’t ever threaten my sister again. I’ve never wanted to kill a man, but for you, I’ll make an exception.”

Storms roll behind thick black lashes. He unhooks his arms and I brace for the inevitable blow for striking him. As if nothing just happened, he takes my right hand and pries my fingers open one at a time. “Next time go for the Adam’s apple. Palm open, thumb flexed. Strike with your body behind it. You’ll take anyone down with that one move. Have no mercy.”

Noted. I don’t think a two-by-four would dent this man’s hard face.

When I don’t reply, he gets in my face and uses the calmest voice I’ve ever heard on a man just punched in the face. “Just when I think you’ll fight to the death you turn this lovely shade of red and look meek as a mouse.”

What? “I am not meek or weak.” I slice a hand between us. “You have no idea what you are talking about.”

He takes my shoulders and turns me around, pushing me toward a door opposite the one I want to exit as if I’d not spoken.

He throws it open and behind the highly polished oak is a lustrous bathroom in all white, gold and black. Just like the room. Towels, a glistening shower stall, and a deep jacuzzi all beckon me closer. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Dark shadows ring my eyes and Devil’s braid is long gone. My hair is in another matted mess. I also see the blush on my cheeks.

Ares steps up behind me; his presence is all-consuming and powerful. A man who thinks the world revolves around him. Such arrogance.

Rage. Frustration and an unwanted amount of defeat shadow the fight I have in my heart.

How can such a beautifully rugged man be cruel yet tender?

My heart stutters and trembles in my chest. I’m on the verge of tears as I hold his gaze. I fucking hate my life. Knowing I have little to no control over anything right now, the fight in me fades to a whisper and leaves my muscles feeling weak. No matter what I said before, I feel like a throttled mouse.


“Leave,” I shoot back.

He gives a low sexy laugh. “Not happening. I guess you like it the hard way.”

“Hands on the sink.”

When I don’t comply, he makes sure I do. We stay like that for a moment. His hands locked on mine; his body warped against my backside. Through this dress, it’s almost impossible to feel a damn thing, but his hard cock against my ass is unmistakable.

He makes a sound of approval and nuzzles my neck. The spot right below my earlobe and my second weakest point.
