Page 35 of Savage Justice

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“Later. Right now my crew needs me downstairs.”

“I’m not going down there in this.” I hand him back the shirt. When he doesn’t take it I toss it over the watches and turn on my heel.

I’m brought to a stop abruptly with hands cinched around my waist.

“You have a hard time following instructions. Let me spell it out for you.” He taps me on the end of my nose. “Since I do not have anything else that could possibly fit you, you will wear this shirt. If I had it my way that is all you would wear. But I don’t like the idea of my crew seeing what I’ve purchased.”

And there’s the asshole.

A moment of silence passes between us. This is about power. He might have had it in the shower, but if I don’t make a stand and show him I’m not about to let him walk all over me there will be no end to his arrogance.

It doesn’t work. The naked Russian reaches out and yanks off my towel, tossing it on the floor. My gaze drops to his cock and the glorious thing bounces between his legs, thick and ready. Thickly veined. I force myself to breathe.

Pre-cum wets the tip. I admit, at that moment I’m tempted to take him in hand, stroke him until he shoots his release. See how he likes his control taken away. It’s obvious this man knows nothing about me or how far I’ll go to get what I want.

Before I can decide, Ares steps over my towel and turns me around to face the mirror that takes up the back half of the closet. His eyes dip to the apex of my thighs.

Dome fixtures rimming the large room bathes us in golden hues. The dimness casts his face in hard shadows.

I suck in a harsh breath. Our eyes catch. Ares’ scent fills me and the electric tingles draping over my body cause me to shudder. He has my body on constant high alert. The look on his face is one of hunger. His lips are parted but it’s not his mouth that has all my focus. It’s the way his hard shaft so easily settles into the crack of my ass.

“I meant what I said. Until I permit you, you will only wear what I’ve provided.”

The low timbre of his voice should infuriate me; just being this close to him should have my fingers itching for a blade. But every syllable he utters zings straight to my sex and fills my head with all the promises he made in the shower.

My chin lifts, our equal amounts of stubbornness pitting for dominance. I can pick this hill to slay dragons on and ultimately die or wait and fight this battle another day.

He runs the tips of his fingers over my bare arms until the lengths of my hair are in his hands. He brushes it to the side and drapes the fine Italian dress shirt in its place. With his arms around me, I watch as he buttons each closure until the very last one is in place.

Smooth, cool, and not a single wrinkle. Through the thin material, you can just barely see the dark tips of my nipples.

He flicks them causing my eyes to widen and other parts of me to respond. “Malyshka, you better cover those, or I’ll spend my evening fucking you.”

From the smirk etched at the corners of his lips he thinks he’s won. I shake my head, unable to link the events of the past days to the myriad of emotions this man forces me to feel.

“You’ll find several pairs of jeans and freshly purchased undergarments in those drawers. Shoes are there.”

I follow the line of his gaze.

“I’m not wearing anything you bought for another woman.”

“I purchased them and had Fergie stock the drawers while you slept earlier.”

Oh. I consider myself a light sleeper so that surprises me.

I quickly undo his work, strip the shirt, and layer myself with as many garments as I can find. Minus his shirt. Bra, camisole in black, black panties, black jeans. I’m getting a feeling this man likes black. It works for me too. A pair of mid-calf boots in black with a low heel sit off to the side. I rub the material. Real leather. Of course. I shove my feet into them and want to moan at how gloriously they fit.

“How did you know I like boots?”

“From watching you wear nothing else. You are a peculiar creature of habit, Nova Masters.”


By the time I finish, Ares is fully clothed and leaning against the frame of the door, a dark look shining from beneath his hooded eyes.

“There is nothing you can do to keep me from what I want. But I like watching you try.” He passes his shirt back to me and stands there until I pull it on and button it into place.

