Page 85 of Savage Justice

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“Oh, before you go would you do me a favor and check the white room? Third floor. It’s the one—”

I’m already nodding. “Got it. It’s the honeymoon suite. I get it. Yeah, what do you need?”

This place runs like a hotel, but it’s really a lavish nightclub with the option to rent a room for those who want privacy. All have themes and colors assigned to them. Private shows, lounges, women’s section, guys’ section. If you can dream of it, this place has it. And it’s been used by the local mafia as a neutral ground that extends ten miles beyond the doors of this place. An asset the Genesis men have built up over the years and earn big time on. It’s like paid security and protection. Except something terrible has gone on behind their backs. This is their territory and the local mafia families have used it as a hunting ground for trafficking women through.

They’ll have a fight on their hands to take back power. I can only hope my sister doesn’t get swept up in it as I did with Ares.

“I left something there. You’ll see it. Would you mind?”


My sister heads off to her future as I take a quick detour to level three before I get to mine.

I hit the number three on the elevator and the doors slink closed. The Genesis men paid me handsomely for all the dirt I unearthed on their enemies. Maybe I’ll go to Europe for a while. Learn French. Get to see all the ancient ruins before heading to South America. I can’t say any of it puts a bounce in my step. It’s all actually depressing as fuck.

The doors swoosh open and I head to the white room, turn the handle and nearly fall flat on my face.

A million candles are lit covering every available spot except a single path. I follow it with my eyes and it leads me to a man dressed in all black.


“Nova Masters.” At first, he looks like a mirage with how the shimmering flames dance over his impressive size. Hair spills over his forehead like he’s run his fingers through it a half-dozen times in the last hour.

I force my chin high and my back straight. “What are you doing here?”

He’s wearing dress slacks that fit him perfectly. His shirt, also black, is neatly tucked into the band of his pants. The sleeves are neatly rolled over beautiful forearms. His jacket is nowhere to be seen. He’s the picture of money. Darkness and power.

He shifts a little and the shadows move over him. They conceal the upper part of his face from me but I can clearly see his Adam’s apple bob and his jaw pulse with tension from him grinding his back molars.

He’s nervous. Maybe even scared.

“Winning your heart back. I know you don’t want to see me, but I can’t go another day without you in my life.” Conviction weighs his words down.


He nods, confirming my suspicions of who set this little reunion up.

“She’s conniving when she wants to be.”

His hands slide into his pockets. “She loves you. She meant no harm.”

“I know.”

The whole time he’s talking Ares comes closer until he’s standing right in front of me. I can feel the warmth of his body heat and I want to fall into his arms and forget about everything. Forget the lies; forget my past. And forget it’s because of me his brother is dead.

Ares reaches around me and closes the door, twisting the lock into place. I’m locked in with the enemy. Russian Bratva. Savage. Ruthless. Murderer.

I can’t toss my stones too hard. I’m no better than them. I’ve killed. I’m a hacker for God’s sake. I’ve done shady shit for money.

“I need to go.” There’s not a lot of conviction behind my words.

And he knows it.

A sputter of protest falls from my lips when he picks me up and holds me to him. He takes my mouth in a hard kiss and I feel the very second I lose the battle.What battlethat voice pipes up again and this time I agree.

The hard planes of his muscles force my body to mold to him.

“Ares, we can’t do this.”
