Page 15 of Savage Thief

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Don’t believe me? He just handed me off to the very monster I wish I had the balls to drive a long blade through.

But the little girl who loved her daddy is dead too. I buried her along with the only man I ever loved. Now I’m just a fucking shell. Surviving. Day in, day out. One wrong word, and I’ll end up with a bullet of my own. Just like Hark. I’m alive for one sole purpose. To breed a Titan.

I clutch at my stomach as my new reality begins to settle in.

I was a stupid fool who couldn’t read the danger signs, who thought taking what I wanted never came with consequences and now I am paying the hefty price tag for such stupidity. My eyes slide closed and I shove thoughts of Hark from my mind. Because with them comes uncontrollable anger and I can’t afford to make any mistakes. Not with so much riding on the line.

I press the tips of my fingers against my cheeks and try for a deep breath before I pass out in the middle of the room, but it’s not working. The cords of my corset are too tight. I still feel faint and the lurching acid in my stomach only makes me want to find the nearest bathroom.

“Oh, God. What have I done?” I whisper softly. I lean back until the back of my legs hit the edge of the bed for support.

The blue eyes of a servant rise to mine. She’s on her knees by my side helping me from the torturous heels I’ve had on for six hours. “Excuse me, ma’am?”

I dash her comment away. “Nothing.” There’s nothing she can do to help me anyway.

I can feel the burn of blue eyes narrowing on me without even looking. “You’re doing as you’re ordered. Or you know what will happen. You are a Titan. It’s time you start acting like it and do what is right for the family.”

My back turns stiff as iron. What’s right? What a fucking joke.

I spread my hands down the silk of my white dress. The girl on her knees in front of me sends up a silent look of strength and wraps my trembling fingers in a quick grip before standing.

“You don’t have to be here for this. It’s not like I can run now.”

He chuckles and the sound is so cold it sends fingers of ice not to crawl up my spine but to bury in my soul and kill another piece.

His judgmental eyes sweep over me with disgust. “No, when you spread those legs this time, I will bear witness that it’s a Titan you birth in nine months and not trash unworthy of my name.”

Shock and horror fill my cheeks and burn the back of my throat. “What?” I croak. “You’re not serious. You’re going to—”

My father takes out a snub-nosed revolver from his breast pocket and places it gently on the small side table beside his chair.

Did he have that the whole wedding? Would he have pulled it had I not gone through with the vows? I shove down the fear clawing at my insides.

What does it matter? Either way, message received, right?

“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want.” He gives the pistol a little twirl like it’s a freaking game of spin the gun and the muzzle comes to a stop in my direction.

What the holy hell?

Around me the servants working to prepare my wedding nightmare jump and a few whimper. I don’t think any of them believe I’m here willingly.

It takes every ounce of self-control in me not to pick up the large vase of flowers beside me and hurl them into his face. Fiery tears swim beneath my lashes but I fight those back too.

Don’t let him see you cry. Don’t let him see you weak, Asena.

To keep my hands from making shit fly at his head, I grip the massive amounts of ruffles and silk around my legs instead.

Breathe, Asena.I remind myself.

I square my shoulders. He could shoot me if he wanted. “I refuse—” I try to temper my hatred for the man from my words and try again. “Father, I don’t see—”

“What you want is of no concern to me. I have made my arrangements with your new husband. He wants the power my name affords; he’ll do as I say. And you don’t die. Win. Win. Win. Give me what I want and then I might let you walk. Without the child of course.”

He can’t be serious. But the stark expression on his face tells me he is.

Sickness roils through me. This can’t be happening. I look down at my hand. The five-carat princess cut diamond ring forced onto my finger glitters in the overhead lights and I want to vomit.

I watch as the head of the Titan empire raises a jewel-encrusted hand, snaps well-manicured fingers and the world around him jumps to do his bidding.
