Page 2 of Savage Thief

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His dark eyes stared into mine as I gave over my name and the world beneath my feet shifted unnaturally. As though a power forged and melded our lifelines together. Crazy, right? Yeah, I don’t know. It sounds messed up to even think about, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

He only reaffirmed the connection after repeating my name in his rough, firm baritone. And right there in the middle of my daddy’s office, I fell in love.

Again, I tell you. Heart-struck.

Fucking crazy.

Mysteries and secrets hid behind those thick lashes and apparently, I didn’t care then and I still don’t.

Two years of living in silence are enough. The need to know everything about him consumes me. And despite knowing I’m doing the forbidden, here I stand on his doorstep, barefoot, barely dressed, and willing to give up everything for a taste of what I shouldn’t want to a man the world fears.

Looking over my shoulder one last time, I silently push his door open enough to slip inside. Just as quietly I return the door to its closed position and don’t let out my held breath until I hear the snick of the metal behind me. I find the lock and crank it clockwise. Only then do I truly take in my surroundings.

Almost immediately I regret my actions.

I freeze mid-step. Hark’s deep voice winds along the cool current of conditioned air and reaches into me lighting the hottest of fires. I place my foot down and let curiosity carry me deeper into his guest bungalow.

Dimmed lights throw the entire open-style space into various shades of black and gray. Sofas, chairs, bookcases. They are all darkened forms only discernible from their distinct shapes. It doesn’t matter. I know them by heart. Just like I know which direction I hear the masculine grunts and growls coming from.

I take another step deeper into the bungalow and the thudding of my heart makes me strain to hear over the rush of blood in my ears.

Oh, God.There it is again. A sound of pure ecstasy. Deep, primal.

Is he here with someone else? Green fingers of jealousy claw deep grooves over my soul.

Please, Lord. Don’t let it be true.

“I’ll kill them.”

I pause. Take a deep breath. No, I won’t. But sometimes I wish I had my father’s ruthlessness.

I bite at my lower lip and quickly weigh my options. Turn and run like a wilting flower or push on? Fight for what I want or let it slip away?

A masculine curse curls through the bungalow sending chills over my cool skin.

I shut my eyes and swallow thickly. Okay, then. The second option it is.

I edge down the hall, past a small kitchenette, and deeper into a room with a large bed in the center. My heart drags behind me on the floor. Fiery tears rim the edges of my lashes.

From toes to fingertips, tingles of adrenaline prickle over my entire body. With the place thrown in shadows, it’s easy to spot the bright light flooding the far side of Hark’s master bedroom where the bathroom door stands slightly ajar. Steam rolls out and I’m drawn to it. I have to see who he is with. See who stole my place before I quietly take my leave.

Thankfully the door inches open silently. I tentatively step from the darkness, my foot moving from the warmth of the carpet to the shocking coolness of marble.

Steam clouds the sides of the glass and through the mist, I realize I am dead wrong. Hark isn’t here with anyone at all. His back is toward me. He grunts again, this time harsher, deeper like he’s in pain. Goosebumps rise over my arms and pucker my nipples painfully.

I move closer, so close if I reach out, I can slide the glass door open and step into the shower with him.

But not yet.

I freeze, mesmerized by the rippling muscle. His harsh groans are louder than the fall of water over his large body.

Speaking of, I nearly groan at the gorgeous sight of the man under the shower spray. Millions of drops gel together to sluice over deeply tanned, glistening skin and I swallow back a whimper, craving to lick those sprinkles of moisture off his delicious body.

His massive back features a glorious tattoo spreading out over all that well-defined muscle in intricate black ink. Large scaly wings unfurl down the backs of his arms and his trim waist. Across the expanse of his wide shoulders and flared laterals is the body of a black dragon with golden eyes.

Its head is posed downward, smoke and embers curling around the edges of his snout as if biding its time to unleash a wrath unlike any other. I can imagine when Hark lowers his arms the beast appears even more breathtaking in its complete form

I dip my attention off the skin art and lower over a firm biteable ass and legs just as well-formed as the rest of him.
