Page 46 of Savage Thief

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I turn to see Hark join his brothers. Rage, Riot. The one named Ghost. He shares the same steel-colored eyes and muscular build with Ares. But it’s the cut of their jaw and the same closed-off expression that makes them appear as true brothers.

And then there is Doc.

I don’t let him catch me looking for fear of another long sermon.

Casanova seems to have finished with his treat. Blaze too. There are others but I don’t know their names. Men who look important but are wearing suits instead of the Savages’ cut. Partners? Friends? Who knows?

Worry etches its deep claws in the lines of the men’s faces. Among them is Ares. He’s at the head of the group, drink in one hand, the other shoved into his jean pocket. Every few seconds his cold eyes flick to me with a suspicious expression. Like I’m a puzzle he can’t figure out. He’s making it no secret trust is hard-earned. For that reason alone, I like him.

But I can’t stop the frown from moving in. The last thing I want to do is be a problem. Piper pushes a single shot glass into my hand.

“Thank you. What’s going on there?” I tip my drink in the direction of the men before gulping it down. The bite of liquor on my tongue burns at first but turns smooth after the first swallow.

“Unofficial club meeting. Tonight is Devil’s wake and Dragon was late in honoring his fallen brother.”

Oops. That’s on me. But I’d been right about them losing someone close recently.

“I’m sorry. What happened?” The music makes it hard to talk, much less listen so I move closer. “Hark doesn’t seem happy about whatever is being talked about.”

A new girl with long blonde hair and a kind smile joins us. She doesn’t give my dress a single glance and for that reason alone I know we are going to be fast friends. Then again…I follow her line of sight and smile when I get to the end of the trail. She’s too busy looking at Riot behind the fringes of her bangs to care about a weird newcomer.

Piper pours her a vodka too, but she leaves it untouched. They make quick introductions.

“Avery, you’re no longer the new girl.”

I get a salute before the duo resident bad girls pound back drinks.

“Good to pass over the scepter. I had no idea Dragon was dating anyone much less ready to make them his ol’ lady.”

The dress finally got a cursory glance.

“Not his bride and definitely not anyone’s ol’ lady. Long story. Tell me about Devil.” Making my voice sound casual is the hardest thing I’ve had to do. Getting them off the topic of my apparel and the shit storm that is my life isn’t easy though. Three sets of eyes trek over my cleavage, ragged dress, and tired feet.

But they say nothing. The one named Avery worries the loop piercing in her lip while the other two give each other a long side-eye that says, sure whatever. But they don’t press me for details. I’d lay money on the line that it won’t take them long to circle back though.

“Devil is a brother. Or was. We lost him last month when this one and Nova came to live with us.”

Avery’s eyes shoot wide. “His death was not my fault, Kendra.”

“True, babe.” Piper gives her friend’s hand a quick squeeze. “Just the same timing. She didn’t mean it like that.”

“Devil died saving his prez. Took a bullet from Ares’ brother that was meant for him.”

Oh. That’s rough.

“It’s more than that and you know it,” Piper corrects Kendra.

“It’s not our story to tell, Pip. Maybe you should let her talk to Dragon.” Avery turns an apologetic smile on me and I give one back. It’s apparent she doesn’t like to gossip as much as the other two. I can appreciate that.

I nod and try for another angle, raising my voice when a rowdy guitar number comes on that tests the limits of my hearing threshold. “Is that what has been all over the news?”

“All the mess about the human trafficking? Yeah. And all the unofficial crap about Ares’ family being behind it.”

Avery slides her untouched drink to me and I take it. “Pip, com’on,” Avery warns again.

I know nothing about any of this so I play along to see what shit storm I stepped in the middle of. “Ares’ family? They are, I mean were, behind the trafficking?”

