Page 62 of Savage Thief

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Casanova winds an arm around my shoulder and hauls me into his chest for a bear hug.

“Finally, someone who isn’t a dick about having emotions for another human being.”

Beside me, Fergie nearly chokes on her puffer stick that is stealing my appetite.

“Boy, you have enough emotions for all of us. Now put the girl down before Dragon strolls in here and I’m peeling my son off the floor for touching another man’s woman.”

Laughter bubbles up and I absorb the back and forth between everyone. Even Doc. He seems to catch himself before quietly following Bear’s disappearing act and heading back to his place, I guess. But he doesn’t waste time taking the side entry of the kitchen out the back.

This place sits on enough grounds I’m sure he could get lost out there and not see another person for days if he wanted. And he probably does.

“What’s Doc’s story? He doesn’t hang around much, does he?”

Fergietskswhile lighting up another Marlboro Red. She puffs long and hard. “He lost some people a while back. I don’t think he ever got over it.” As she talks, smoke billows from her lips giving her a dragon-like appearance.

In a rare moment of seriousness Casanova adds, “It’s more ’an that. He thinks he’s dishonoring their memory if he finds joy in anything.”

“It’s so much more than that, guys. He told me he lost someone he loved once. He had no idea she was pregnant.”

All eyes turn on Avery.

“What?” She shrugs looking between all of us. “He talks. You just have to listen. I helped him clean up after tending to Dragon. If you ask, he has no problem sharing. He said she kept it from him and even had adoption papers drafted. But she died before the end of the first trimester.”

I can speak for all of us when I ask, “How did she die?”

“He didn’t say. He kind of turned inward and stopped talking after that. Who can blame him?” She’s leaning against the counter weaving the ends of her hair through her fingers.

Between Fergie’s smoke and all the talk, I’ve let my food grow cold. I poke at it now, not really interested.

Poor Doc. No wonder I have a gut instinct to wrap my arms around him every time I see the man. “That level of rejection must have stung. And still does, I imagine.” Around me everyone is silent. Riot puts his arm around Avery’s shoulder and there’s a peculiar look of pride on his face for winning Doc’s trust, I assume.

“Maybe we can do something nice for him? Something to show we care?” Avery looks to Riot before turning her eyes on Fergie for confirmation.

I exchange a kind smile with Avery. “I think that’s a great idea.” If I’m not careful, I might start to think of Hark’s people as my own and that can’t happen.

“Good idea. I’ll pull something together.” Fergie snuffs out her cigarette and stands. “I’ll keep you guys in the loop.” Fergie leaves with Casanova in tow still talking about Devil’s cut and the basement.

I dig into my lukewarm breakfast and cold coffee while everyone else goes about their afternoon. Warm sunlight casts a cheerful glow over the entire room but instead of making me feel relaxed, it does the opposite. My mind turns to Doc. Knowing he has lost loved ones makes my heart go out to him. But understanding why he wants me to tell Hark about our baby girl makes my fingers start to tremble at his sense of urgency. Another worry I have to carry on my shoulders along with everything else.

Keeping Sean from going nuclear on the Titan empire. Making sure no one finds out about my baby girl. Staying out of Sean’s crosshairs and staying alive to make sure both one and two don’t come to be. The latter taking top priority, of course.

It’s a lot.

But first thing first.

Avery follows Riot out the side exit of the kitchen. The second she is out of sight I place my dishes in the washer and snatch her phone off the counter.

Finding no one between me and the front living room I pick a quiet spot and flick on Avery’s phone. By all the saving graces and however many guardian angels there are looking over me, my new friend doesn’t have her phone’s security on.

Garden fairies with colorful sparkly magic and flowers fill the screen. If I wasn’t in a rush, I’d take a moment to appreciate the pretty art, but I pull up the dial pad and punch in a number I’ve used every week on the same day at the same hour for four years.

I cast a look over my shoulder, holding the phone to my ear.

“Com’on. Pick up, Sadie.”

It rings. Once. Twice.

When Doc came up with the idea of asking my friend to care for Heaven, I had my doubts. She had no money of her own or a place to live. But the cons were heavily outweighed by the pros. My father never really paid attention to who I hung out with at boarding school or who I stayed in contact with afterward. Because of this, him discovering my deceit wasn’t an issue. He didn’t know Sadie existed so it would not have occurred to him to look.
