Page 78 of Savage Thief

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Behind me, I hear Asena gasp. “Is that? Oh my God? They were going to blow the door?”

Ares answers, “They could have tried. That amount of C4 would have only dented the metal.”

These pieces of shit want to try and hurt Asena. That all but puts Death’s mark on them and I’m his right-hand assassin tonight ready to deliver the bodies.

“Protect Asena.”

And that is the last thing I do as all hell breaks loose.

Five men fan out, thinking I won’t be fast enough to end them. Their mistake. With nothing but a couple of cars too far away to serve as a shield, putting one between their eyes is easy. I have to give it to them though, they don’t back down and the longer they pop off, the closer they get to hitting me.

But I’m faster and have a better aim. Three bodies drop into the gravel one after the other.

Ghost takes out the other two from the rooftop. I give it a minute before I stand and walk backward to the front door.

“That was too fucking easy.” My gut is in knots. “No way this is it. Not with the amount of money sitting on my head, not to mention Ares’.”

Deafening silence falls over us and it’s a little damn eerie if you ask me. Floodlights fill the place up with white light and in the glow, I see Ghost on the roof, his eye on the scope checking out the surrounding areas.


He shakes his head. “Nyet.”

I level my eyes on Asena. “Where is he? There’s no way he sent only five men after you.”

“Do I look physic? I don’t know where he is but I’ll tell you this. Those five felt like an army.”

I go to her and wrap her trembling body in my arms. She might look like a warrior, but deep down I know she would rather be curled up in a hot tub than taking on a manic asshole.

“You look kind of hot holding my guns.” She passes the heavy Desert Eagle to me and I can tell she’s about to cap out on her adrenaline.

“This isn’t over by a long shot, is it?”

“Anybody hurt?”

Asena turns in my arms to throw our house doctor and my old friend a smile.

“Rest easy, Doc. No one took a bullet for me today. But it was close. Too close.”

Ares comes to stand on my other side and we are all out on the porch areas. “Fan out, men. Lock down the front gate and take stock of the damage.”

“I have the gate.” Rage takes his phone out to hit up the guardhouse, but Ares stops Rage with a hand on his shoulder. “Call Harlon,moy brat. Get an undertaker out here.”

Rage switches gears and follows the president’s orders without question.

Riot is on the phone too. He’s at the foot of the stairs, an elbow on a still idling Rubicon. “There’s no answer at the gate. I’ll be back in a minute.” He puts the Jeep in gear and backs down the stairs. A little maneuvering and he’s past the two Mercedes.

Ghost is on the ground and ready to start moving bodies.

Asena approaches him and stops him with a hand on his forearm.


“Da? What is it?” His accent is heavy but understandable.

I hang back as Doc walks to her and helps flip the body when Ghost does nothing but stand there looking on.

She yanks up the first guy’s sleeve and then the other and continues until she’s checked them all.
