Page 80 of Savage Thief

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With that, she leads the women out and I can only assume they are changing from their halter tops and sexy skirts into camo and army boots.

I’m actually in awe of how easy it is for everyone to fall into their roles as defenders. Growing up no one did anything my father said without fear in their eyes. But here, the energy is that of respect. I don’t need to ask. It’s on their faces. Everyone is willing to take a bullet for the person standing next to them.

“Does everyone listen to your exact orders? No hesitation?”

“We started the Savages with respect and understanding there could only be one president. It’s my job to keep everyone safe.”

I see that. There’s a silent exchange between Hark and Ares which goes back to their main issue, I have no doubt. Hark’s next words confirm my thoughts.

“Devil died because you broke that vow.”

Ares puts a solid hand on Dragon’s shoulder. “I understand you’re pissed. I lost a son when Devil died. I practically raised the boy. You don’t think that gutted me,moy brat?”

I’ve come to learn that means “my brother” in Russian. I slip my hand underneath Hark’s cut and rest my open palm against the center of his back as silent support.

“I know, Ares. I realize you’ve been in pain too. But you need to hear this. I don’t care if you walked up out of hell with royal demon blood in your veins. All you had to do was tell us. We all put our lives on the line when we put this cut on. Something we are all willing to do every morning the devil doesn’t take us in our sleep.”

“I hear your words and feel your pain. I wish I could turn back the clocks and change my choices. Change the blood flowing in my veins. But I cannot.”

“All we can do is move forward, brother.” Hark extends his hand and Ares clasps his forearm and pulls him in for one of those brother side hug things men do when they can’t outright hug each other.

Whatever. I exchange a relieved look with Nova and the silence that falls around us during those few moments breaks.

The men stand like that and the energy in the room grows, shifts and instead of snapping with the amount of testosterone like in their last face-off, this time there’s a new understanding between them.

“Brother,” Ares says, his accent thicker than usual.

“Brother,” Hark mirrors.

“Finally!” Rage whoops. He reloads a couple of shotguns and grabs a few more clips for his sidearms. Loaded down like he’s expecting World War III to descend on Savage property he pauses under the archway of the large living room Rambo style. “I’m out. I’ll keep you posted.”

“Copy that,” Ares says as Rage and Ghost take opposite exits to do their part in locking everything down.

Over Riot’s shoulder, I see Doc disappear down the hallway toward the kitchen. All the fighting and shooting must remind him of the people he lost.

Determination takes root. The sooner all this ends, the faster all these good people can go back to their normal lives.

I pull the papers I have tucked under my shirt and hold them up. Only me, Hark, Ares, and Nova are left in the room. Everyone else has dispersed to do their jobs.

“I think I owe you a bigger explanation of what’s really going on. Most of you know my history with Hark…err…Dragon. We go back a few years, to say the least. He stepped in to save my ass the other day and now two of your locations have been shot up and Hark himself has taken two bullets for me. I think you need to know why.”

As I talk, I never let my gaze waver from Hark. “Four years ago, I fell in love with a man who turned out to be the enemy. My father had a bullet put in him and I thought it took his life. Fast forward four horrible soul-sucking years and I’m on the receiving end of a revolver and a threat that if I don’t marry the man my father wants, I’ll get the same treatment Hark did. Only mine would be to the head.” Some part of me needs him to understand the depths of my gratitude and fear.

“You mean your father forced you to marry the Druid?” I can see the anger in his eyes. The perceived betrayal.

I flinch as if smacked. “What? You don’t think I willingly walked down the aisle to that asshole, do you?” Just the idea makes my stomach hurt.

His expression shifts from hurt to realization to embarrassment within the span of a breath. “I should have known. I’m sorry.”

“I get it, Hark. You’ve been hurt so many times you don’t know who to trust.” I link my fingers with his. And I’ve only added to that by not telling him my deepest secret.

Invisible fists grip my heart and lungs. I wish I could just vanish. Snap my fingers and “poof”. Be nothing but dust. But the real world doesn’t work like that and it’s time to face my demons head-on. Even the ones I created. Especially those. No one who puts their life on the line for me deserves my lies.

“On my wedding night, there were many horrors. I don’t think anyone needs to hear them all, but the most important one is that the Druid forced my father to sign a new Will and Testament and then shot him. It gave him all the power of the Titan empire. Or so he thinks. My father wasn’t that stupid.”

I pause and take a steadying breath. Everyone around me allows the silence I need to gather my thoughts. I start again when the constraint around my chest loosens enough for me to take in a calming breath.

“I barely escaped with my life. If it wasn’t for an old bodyguard who took a liking to me, I would not be here today. And then had you not protected me when I dropped out of thin air, Sean would have won that night. Thank you, Dragon, for saving my life.”
