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“I don’t know, but it won’t look good!”

It was a situation I supposed I had to get used to; having three boyfriends at once would lead to three times the PDA. Normally I’d be okay with it, but not here. Not while so much was at stake.

“Look,” I whispered, turning into him. “You don’t think I want you in that tux? You don’t think I want to strip you naked from the waist down and show you just how hot the three of you are making me?”

Quickly glancing left and right to make sure the coast was clear, I stole a grab of my own. Kade’s considerable package filled my hand nicely, even beneath his slacks. I gave it a promising squeeze.

“When we get out of here I’m all yours,” I said, just loud enough for Valerio and Brock to hear also. “The three of you can take me home. Strip off those ties and use them to bind me to all four corners of the bed, then ravish me any way you want to,” I smiled wickedly.

Kade’s left eyebrow went up, like it had a mind of its own. “Anyway?” he asked.

“Uh huh,” I confirmed, not so innocently. “I’ll be all yours.Anythingyou boys want…”

I drew the word out enticingly, my already bad girl smile going truly evil.

“Alright then,” he sighed, taking a half step back. The distance caused my hand to drop away from him. Not that I wanted it to. “Deal.”

For the better part of the next half hour I enjoyed the fruits of my labor, standing back while complete strangers admired my work. When I saw a SOLD sticker go on one of my pieces I actually squealed with joy. It was one of my smaller pieces, but still…

“This has to be fun for you,” Valerio smiled. “All that work. All those long hours of—”

“I have to go.”

I whirled at the sound of Kade’s voice. Just by the sound of it, I knew immediately something was wrong.

“What?” I cried, noticing Brock’s expression was wooden, sullen. “What is it?”

Kade looked down in shame, staring at his shoes. Only it wasn’t shame. It was cataclysmic disappointment.

“It’s Brandon.”

My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. My mouth went utterly dry.

“He needs to go to him,” Brock explained for his friend. “I’ll take him to Danielle. She called, and—”

“Fuck that,” I said abruptly. “We’ll all go.”

“No way,” Kade shook his head. “This is your time. You’ve been waiting your whole life for—”

“Are you kidding?” I cut him off. “So what? They’ll be other shows, other exhibitions. This means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Family comes first.”

I saw Kade shift uncomfortably. “But Brandon’s not your—”

“No, butyouare,” I said. “And that’s all that matters.”

A checklist began running in my mind. I had to get my coat, my bag. I had to—

Someone tapped me on the shoulder mid-thought. I whirled to find the curator standing behind me. His face was all smiles.

“The owner would like to meet you,” the man grinned happily. “He wants to extend—”

“I’m sorry,” I apologized, “but I have to go.”

The curator’s expression changed so quickly it would’ve been funny under any other circumstances. But not now.

“W—What do you meango?You’ll miss the toast at midnight! Plus—”

“I have to leave,” I said, not even concerned I was standing between three hulking men in nearly identical tuxedos. “Family emergency.”
