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And through it all, they showed properties. They met with prospective listing clients. They traveled back and forth to their office in Manhattan, only they did this less and less now, because they each had assistants who took care of their day to day planning.

But at night…

At night I saw the other side of them. The walking around the house eating cereal in their underwear side. The depleted, often-exhausted but casual side, where I was greeted with hot meals and warm smiles and the camaraderie of three tight-knit friends who’d practically built an empire together, through hard work and sacrifice.

Neither Aiden or Connor had kissed me again, though we exchanged secret smiles that spoke the untold story of our mutual attraction. In a certain way it was disappointing, but in all other ways I was relieved. Between all the hormones I was taking, I might’ve jumped them both. I was horny as hell! Laying in bed alone each night, recalling the memories of our brief times together while these two — no, not two butthree —ridiculously hot men slept just a few dozen paces down the hall, probably in their underwear.

Or maybe without any underwear at all…

No, it was definitely a good thing there wasn’t another ‘movie night.’ I wasn’t sure I could resist if I wanted to. And I sure didn’t want to. More and more, as I grew comfortable around them — mentally and emotionally — I desired to consummate the physical aspect of our friendship too, in ways that would make us far more than friends.

But you can’t do that, Jordyn.

No, probably not. But a girlcoulddream. I could close my eyes and envision Connor’s whole sea of tight, ripped abdominals, flexing as he laughed shirtless in the kitchen that first day. Likewise I could screw my eyes shut and recall the feeling of Aiden’s thickness in my eager hand. The surge of his climax, as the come boiled up from his balls and fired its way through my pumping, stroking fist…

And although I hadn’t forged a physical connection with Elliot yet? I found myself often dreaming of him. In those dreams I ripped the tie from around his thick masculine neck, closing my mouth hungrily over his as I slid my arms over those impossibly broad shoulders…

You just said YET, didn’t you?

It got to the point where I looked forward to taking the shots, if for no other reason than the intimacy it provided. I got to pull my pants down a little. I got to watch them blush, one by one, as they tried not to stare at the upper one-third of my bare ass.

They could’ve given me the injections on the swell of my lower stomach, of course. OrIcould’ve done them. But I enjoyed the guys taking charge. I enjoyed them takingturns.Most of all I enjoyed the feel of their hands on my body; a sexy little fringe benefit of our arrangement. Because hey, if they weren’t impregnating me the natural, traditional way? At least there was some kind of skin-on-skin physical connection involved between them and me and making a baby together.

When it finally came time for the trigger-shot, I was caught totally off guard. I couldn’t believe how fast it all happened! How quickly I’d gone from signing the paperwork, to prepping for an extraction… and ultimately, the implantation in just a few short weeks.

“Thirty-five hours,” said Elliot, shooting me with the final injection. “After that the operating room table, some anesthesia, and a really long extraction needle.”

I winced at the final pinch, even as I relished the feel of his warm palm against the upper globe of my naked ass.

“Jeeze Elliot,” I chuckled. “You sure know how to romance a girl.”



“You ready for this, love?”

Connor’s words were meant to be reassuring, but they only made me nervous. I hadn’t been nervous the entire time, until now.

“Except for these stupid robes that are always falling open in the back,” I said from my medical bed, “I’m peachy.”

I’d been pumped full of egg-producing hormones and prenatal vitamins for the past month. Now I was prepped and readied, my blood-work taken, the final safeguards passed. From this point on, it was in the hands of the doctor himself. The guys stood huddled around me, making me laugh and keeping me company until I would ultimately be wheeled away.

“Yeah, well this is your time to shine,” said Aiden. “How many eggs you got in there? A dozen? Two dozen?”

“Hey, I’ve got the easy part,” I pointed out. “All I have to do is take a nice, dreamless nap for fifteen or twenty minutes. But the three of you…”

I giggled, enjoying their suddenly awkward expressions. Each one was different in its own cute way.

“The three of you have to go into a little room and jerk off into a cup.”

“Threerooms,” Elliot corrected me swiftly. “Three cups.”

“Oh no,” I said, deadly serious. “Last time the nurse was in here she told me there’s only one room. And she said you can’t take turns, because that might take too long. According to the doctor, they’re sending you in there together to get it done.”

Elliot’s brows came together. So did Aiden’s, to some extent. But Connor took one look at my face and laughed.

“She’s fuckin’ with us, you know that right?”
