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“She’d better be,” Elliot swore.

Now I was laughing too, right alongside Connor. It broke the tension, and dissolved my nervousness. It made me feel more ready than ever.

“I hear there’s mood lighting,” Connor elbowed his friends. “And movies, too. Hopefully something good, on DVD.”

“Do they even make porn DVD’s anymore?” asked Aiden. “In today’s day and age?”

“Who knows?” Connor smirked. “Who cares, though? I’m hoping for somethingold. Maybe a classic, from the 80’s or 90’s.”

“The Sperminator!” Aiden snapped his fingers. “Or Edward Penishands.”

“Asspocalypto,” Connor chimed back in. “Or Forrest Hump.”

“Romancing the Bone,” Elliot added evenly. The guys were as pleasantly surprised as I was that he’d actually joined in.

“Honey I Blew Everyone,” I blurted, and they all turned to face me. The guys were suddenly looking at me like I had six heads. “Hey, don’t judge. I won it as a gag gift from a bridal shower,” I explained.

“Sure ya did,” Connor laughed, adding a wink.

All three of them were smirking now, arms folded across their chests. My face turned red as I let out a little laugh.

“Well, was it good at least?” Elliot asked.

The curtain pulled abruptly back before I could answer, and my nurse was standing there holding a clipboard. She was also grinning from ear to ear. “Waswhatgood?”

“N—Nothing,” I stammered, adding a chuckle.

“Yeah, well I could tell you in this job I’ve heard it all,” said Denise, as identified by her name tag, “but up until today I hadn’t.” She glanced down at her chart and tapped it with the eraser-side of her pencil. “I understand prior arrangements were made with Doctor Reynolds, and allthreeof you gentlemen are providing specimens?”

“That’s right,” Elliot said, trying to make it sound as normal as possible.

“Well then you’ll all need to come with me pretty quickly,” she said, her face still cracking the hint of a smile. “Because she’s less than five minutes from being wheeled out of here, and put under.”

The guys stood awkwardly, staring back at the nurse until:

“Go on then,” ordered Denise, shooing them toward me. “Say your goodbyes?”

One by one they approached me, sheepishly, not really knowing what to say. Elliot gave me an awkward hug, and assured me everything would be fine. Connor gave me a kiss on the cheek… but at the last second, shifted and landed it halfway over my mouth. I kissed him back anyway. The situation seemed to allow for it.

“You’re bad,” I whispered, “you know that?”

“Aye love,” he murmured back. “And don’t you forget it.”

Finally it was Aiden’s turn. He reached out and swept a piece of rogue hair backward, tucking it gently into the shower cap-looking thing I wore on my head.

“Thank you so much for doing this,” he said, his fierce blue eyes searching and finding mine. “Seriously.”

His hand was on my belly — right where his child would hopefully soon be. Or Connor’s child. Or Elliot’s.

God, maybe this whole thing reallywascrazy.

“You’re very welcome,” I said, clasping my hands over his. “And Aiden?”

He leaned in close, so that my lips were at his ear. “Yes?”

I chuckled seductively. “I want you to think of me when youdo it.”

