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“Listen, we’re all trying to get me pregnant, right?” I said. “That’s the end goal?”

“I suppose,” Elliot replied.

“Then I’d think this is pretty ideal,” I said simply. “We’re four grown adults. We all like each other. I’mprettysure we’re attracted to each other,” I said, scanning each of them with a meaningful stare, “so there’s no trouble there. Plus you wanted someone who didn’t have a boyfriend, so there wouldn’t be the worry of an outside pregnancy. That’s me. But now you’re asking me to remain celibate for the next several months at a minimum, or maybe half a year. Or maybe even more…”

Aiden and Connor finally glanced at each other. The two of them were starting to look excited.

Holy shit this might actually happen…

The smiles they exchanged made my stomach do a slow, sexy barrel-roll.

“Look,” I said, “I’m pumped full of hormones. Stuck in this beautiful house with three ridiculously hot guys — and yeah, I’ll admit that part — who walk shirtless, sometimes pants-less, in various stages of undress. Three hot guys who aresupposedto be getting me pregnant…”

I let the last part trail off intentionally, so it really sank in.

“On top of all that, I haven’t been laid in months. I’m horny as hell. I’m right down the hall from all three of you, every single night.” Finishing up, I folded my arms. “Something’s gotta give.”

There was a half-full bottle of wine on the counter. On a whim I grabbed it, poured myself a glass, and gulped one-third of it down in a single long pull.

By the time I finished the guys still hadn’t said anything. They were all staring at me though.

“You really want to do this?” asked Aiden.

I nodded firmly. “Yes. It triples our chances of having your baby, and we don’t waste any time waiting around. Why not take advantage of that?”

Connor squinted. “How would it work?”

“Any way you want it to,” I shrugged. “I’m open.” Considering my reply, I laughed into my wine glass. “Literally.”

From the center of my couch, Elliot still hadn’t said much. I turned my eyes on him, and shifted my weight to the opposite hip.

“If you’d like we could keep it purely physical, and strictly business,” I said. “No kissing. No strings. No sleeping over. Just sex. No emotional attachment.”

“So you want it to be cold and clinical?” Aiden scoffed. “Is that it?”

“No, not at all,” I replied smoothly. “It can be fun, too.Lotsof fun. I could get all dolled up for you guys, dress sexy and all that. Oryoucan dress me up. Do everything possible to make you want me. After all, the goal is to get you off, right?”

Aiden’s eyes narrowed. “I guess…”

“Hot and sexy is good,” I said, sipping my wine again for fortification. “It keeps things flowing.”

“Aye,” Connor smirked. “I imagine it would.”

“We’re just eliminating the intimate attachment stuff,” I finished. “The stuff that would form an emotional connection rather than keeping our arrangement strictly physical.”

“So… business versus pleasure?” Elliot offered.


The room fell silent again, and I took stock of the situation. I was all flushed, my skin red. My heart pounding away so wildly within my chest, I felt almost sick.

But I could see Aiden coming around. And from what I knew of Connor, he wasalreadyaround.

“This is… something to think about,” said Elliot slowly. He rose, and the others stood with him. “Something to consider.”

Holy fucking shit…

I tried swallowing more wine, but the glass was woefully empty. I set it down and leaned back against the bar that separated the kitchen from the living area.
