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“This thegoodstuff?” Connor asked Elliot.

“Sure is.”

“What’s the occasion?”

From his spot on the couch, Elliot shrugged and smiled. “Do we need one?”

“Bah,” Connor grinned back at him, raising his glass in salute. “I’m not one to punch a gift horse in the face.”

We all saluted together; me with my wine, Aiden with a bottle of cold beer.

“I’m not sure that’s how the saying goes,” I giggled.

“Then I’m making up a brand new saying,” Connor declared. “After all, someone’s gotta do it.”

When it came to making up new things, we were getting pretty amazing at it. And not just the baby either, but the whole relationship part of being together. There weren’t many guides or yard sticks to measure by when it came to three men loving the same woman. But over the past year we’d made it work somehow. Most likely because I loved these men with every last fiber of my being. In no time at all, they quickly became the family I’d been missing my whole adult life.

“I want to start Jiu-Jitsu again,” I declared abruptly. “There’s a dojo about ten minutes from here, and the master seems nice.”

“I could get down with that,” said Connor. “If you want company during that ride.”

A warmth filled my heart as it usually did; I’d expected one or more of them to jump in with me. It was a far cry from my past experience of always doing things alone, but I’d quickly found that sharing life’s events was much better than flying solo.

“You’ll be a white belt you know,” I told him.

Connor raised an eyebrow. “With all my boxing experience? Maybe for a week, yah.”

“All your boxing experience doesn’t mean jack shit once you’re on the ground, locked in an armbar.”

He set his glass down immediately and sat up. “Wanna bet?”

I laughed at him, waving him away. “If I wasn’t too tired, I’d show you up right now.”

The softness in his eyes showed me the challenge was only half-hearted. Although if I knew Connor, we could easily be grappling right now if I took him up on it.

“Besides,” I told him, “I’m saving my energy for later.” I pointed down the hall with a finger. “And for once, I’m not talking about the baby.”

The guys had promised me a night of pampering, sort of. All I had to do was I strip down, put on something sexy, and stretch out across my bed. “We’ll do the rest,” they’d told me, and I was hoping part of what they had in mind involved a massage. Because damn, you haven’t reallyliveduntil you’ve had a three-person, six-hand massage.

“Saving your energy is probably a good idea,” said Aiden, slyly. “Although we’ve got enough energy to cover you, if you end up surrendering.”

“More than enough,” Connor boasted.

“Just remember no finishing inside,” I admonished, missing that familiar warmth deep in my belly, “outside only. Until next week, at least.”

The guys exchanged sideways glances for a moment. Eventually, Connor scoffed.

“Mason’s all of ours of course,” said Connor, “and we love him equally. But we already know he’smine. I don’t need test results to tell me who the biological father is. Kin knows kin.”

Aiden rolled his eyes dramatically. “There he goes again with the kinship bullshit.”

“You joke all you want!” Connor declared. “When the results come back and we start up tryin’ to get her pregnant again, I’m gonna miss exploding inside her. But I’ll hold back for you boys. Give your swimmers a fighting chance.”

We’d determined before the baby was born that we’d wait three months before finding out who the biological father was. Not that it mattered, because Mason hadthreefathers. But in terms of our master plan — me having a child by each of them — we truly needed to know.

We’d also decided to keep our children as close as possible in age. We wanted a tight-knit family. And so after three months, we were going to start trying again right away.

And I couldn’twaitto start trying again…
