Page 16 of The Vacation Toy

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I smiled, moving to the next door on the same side. But except for a a pair of duffel bags I recognized as Devin’s, it was empty as well.

Frowning, I checked the third bedroom and found the same thing. Then I heard it: the sound of distant laughter. Low, masculine voices, carried into the villa by the gentle night wind.

They were outside.

On the beach.


For a moment I was disappointed the guys were still up. Then again, I hadn’t taken into account the time difference. It was six hours later for them, and if they’d slept on the plane like I had…

They’d just as wide awake as you are.

I made my way to the doorway, heart pounding. It occurred to me that I wasn’t wearing much, but it also occurred to me that I didn’t care.

The door opened at my touch, and the cooler night air felt good against my hot skin. I found them on the beach, a dozen or so yards from our villa. They were swimming. Laughing. Talking in low voices amongst themselves, perhaps being so thoughtful as not to wake me.


They whirled as one, three heads spinning my way so fast I couldn’t help but giggle. They were surprised as hell to see me. But their expression of surprise turned quickly into acceptance and delight.

“So how would this work?”

They looked dumbfounded by my question. Or at least playing it safe.

“How would what work?” asked Devin.

“If I still wanted…” I took a deep breath and bit my lower lip. “The same thing Melissa had.”

Their hair was wet, their chests bobbing tantalizingly in the water. I was fixated on their arms, their shoulders, their everything.

“You strip down and join us,” said Hayden evenly. “It’s that simple.”

Beside him, Reese nodded. “And we’ll take care of the rest.”

I swallowed hard, but I also didn’t hesitate for a second. My fingers fumbled for the bottom of my sleep shirt, as my arms pulled it upward and over my head.



Three steps later I was stepping out of my thong. A few steps after that I was knee-deep in the warm, wonderful water, as two of them reached out and took both my hands.

The ‘adventurous’ one or the reckless one — whatever it was, I’d always argued.

Always, until now.
