Page 24 of The Vacation Toy

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I paused, biting my lip. “I don’t think I could handle it every night.”

Devin smiled, taking up his fork. He looked at the others, before pointing it at me.

“You’d be surprised at what you can handle.”

His words sent butterflies exploding through my belly. I’d been putting on a pretty good game face so far, but for some reason I knew Devin’s cool blue eyes saw past me.

“We’ll see…” was all I could muster. The guys seemed to accept my answer, because the next sound in the kitchen was forks busily scraping plates as they devoured everything I’d put before them.

Every night.

The words reignited a fire inside me. I’d already spent half my waking hours answering frantic text-message from my teammates, who were utterly astonished by the risque photo I’d sent the night before. They demanded to know how I met up with the guys’ team, and what I was doing with them, and where the ‘badass bitch’ was.

And of course, why it looked like we were all pretty much naked in the villa they were supposed to be sharing with me.

The other half of the morning I’d spent floating in the beautiful turquoise bay, staring out over the ocean as I went over and over the events of last night. I’d expected confusion, guilt, maybe even a little bit of morning-after regret. But no matter how many times I ran everything through my mind, there were two things I knew for sure.

One, I felt nothing but thrilled and exhilarated about everything that happened.

And two, I couldn’t wait for it to happenagain.

“These are some damned good eggs.”

Reese mumbled the words appreciatively, as Hayden saluted me with a strip of bacon. I smiled back at the boys and contemplated more coffee.

You’re going to need a lot more than just coffee,the voice in my head ripped me.

“So you had fun last night?” Devin asked, as casually as if the four of us had been playing Uno or Monopoly.

“The game was fun, sure,” I teased.

“I don’t think he was talking about the game,” said Hayden.

“Oh, the other part?” I asked sweetly. “That wasn’t bad either.”

An arm snapped out defiantly, and I was abruptly pulled into a big, strong lap. Reese’s stubble tickled my cheek, as he planted a slow, sensuous kiss on my neck.

Instantly I was back in the moment. The air left my lungs in a sigh. My pussy throbbed, remembering last night.

“You were better than good,” Reese growled, low and throatily.

His Missouri accent wasn’t a drawl, it was just enough to make him country boy hot. His hands felt firm and perfect, clamped on my hips.

“I was, huh?”

I pretended to writhe playfully beneath his grasp. It wasn’t much of a struggle though.

“You sure fucking were,” he whispered, kissing my neck again. “And I think you know that.”

He released me, and I rose on shaky legs. It was beginning to hit me, what I’d started. Exactly what I’d gotten myself into.

A vacation with three insanely hot guys. All of whom want you.

There wasn’t enough saliva in the world to swallow the lump in my throat.

All of whom have alreadyhadyou…

That was crazy part. We’d done more than just break the ice last night. We’d shattered every last bit of it into a million pieces.
