Page 47 of The Vacation Toy

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“Yeah right,” I snorted. “With all the camera crews sitting out there in the hall right now? Just waiting for something to happen?”

“Maybe they’re preoccupied. Maybe they wouldn’t see.”

“I went down the hall to get ice about an hour ago, just before turning in,” I said. “I ran into three other team members, six camera operators, and two editors giving a dissertation on the best way to frame close-up shots.” I frowned. “And that was just in the hallway itself.”


“So yeah, no,” I chuckled. “As much as I appreciate the thought—”

“I could pull the fire alarm,” Reese interjected. “Everyone files into the parking lot. By the time we’re all back in our rooms, no one would know I was already in yours.”

For a split-second I actually almost dared him to do it. But then rationality reigned me in.

Better choices, Brooke. You promised to make better choices, remember?

“I’m not emptying an entire hotel full of people at midnight just so I can get a little skin on skin,” I yawned. “As much as I totally love you guys, that’s not gonna happen.”

Love you guys…

The words just sort of spilled out without thinking. I hadn’t meant them, really. Not likethat.


It probably didn’t sound like that on Reese’s end either, I was pretty sure. Sorta. Hopefully.

“So uh… what would you do to me if Iwerethere?” he asked slyly.

“Whatwouldn’tI do to you?” I teased back.

I stretched out cat-like in my bed, letting the butterflies in my stomach do their thing. I’d gone from ridiculous amounts of sex and three-on-one sex to no sex at all. All in the span of a quick, unexpected knock at our villa’s door.

Maybe I could somehow sneak him in here…

My mind raced with the possibilities. It began going down avenues that could easily get us in trouble though. Or worse, our entire team disqualified from the Race.

“Anyway, we chewed Devin out mercilessly until he went to bed,” Reese went on. “Hayden and I really gave it to him.”

“You shouldn’t have.”

“Actually weshould.And we did. And it’s already done, so…” he let out a little laugh, “expect some kind of apology from him in the morning.”

I blinked. “Really?”

“Yes, really,” he answered. “And if the dickhead tries half-assing it, be sure to let us know,” said Reese.

I laughed. “Okay. I’m on the case.”

“Night’ beautiful,” he said. “Get some sleep.”

“I’m onthatcase too,” I yawned. “Oh, and Reese?”

“Yeah?” His voice rose a little in response, maybe hopeful I’d changed my mind about sneaking him over.


There was another pause, and this time a good one. At the other end of the line I could picture his smooth, handsome grin.

“No, thankyoufor kicking ass today,” he said, and hung up.
