Page 65 of The Vacation Toy

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“There’s no way,” I declared frantically. “No possible way it fits there.”

Sweat poured from Reese’s body as he reached up for what had to be the hundredth time. He swept down the array of slotted metal keys we’d raced all day to collect, then slapped them back on the table in frustration.

“Start from scratch,” said Devin. “Let’s take our time.”

“Take our time?” Hayden scoffed. His usually beautiful blond mane was a flop of oil and sweat. “Did you really just say that?”

We’d cruised into New York City early this morning, although right now that seemed like a thousand years ago. Since then we’d been all over Manhattan, huffing our way up and down its busy streets. Every time we completed a task we were handed one of fifteen metal plates. Each had different slots, different holes, and a totally different shape.

“Start with the first one we got,” said Devin, trying to reason things out.

“And which one was that?” Reese growled.

“The blue one,” Devin answered. “I think.”

“There are three different blue ones!”

Reese’s explosion made me nervous, especially since he was usually the happy-go-lucky one. We hadn’t had any meltdowns like this yet. Throughout the entire race, all four of us had pretty much kept our cool.

“Maybe the colors go together?” I suggested.

“Tried that,” said Hayden.

My arms flopped in exasperation as the others studied the pieces themselves. We were in our own remote location — one of ten throughout the city. Each team was doing the same puzzle but from a different place, which happened to be wherever you collected the final piece.

“Think we’re in front?” Reese asked.

“No way of knowing,” I shook my head. “Kinda feels like we are, though.”

“Our feelings mean absolutely nothing,” Devin spat. “Everyone focus. We need to figure this out.”

In criss-crossing the city we’d been given three Fast Passes, each for a different mode of transportation. One allowed us to hop in a taxi, one was a bus pass, and yet another allowed us to jump on any subway route we wanted. It was up to us to know when to use which pass at which time; something that was a bit of a nightmare as the mid-day traffic grew even heavier.

In the end though, we’d eventually made it. We were all here together, we had all the pieces, and none of us had ripped the other’s throats out.


“Okay, maybe theshapesgo together?” asked Devin.

“They sorta do,” I admitted. “But then they fall out of the bottom of the frame. Every time we try stacking them…”

“We end up with a big mess,” Devin nodded.

I sighed heavily. “Big time.”

We were grasping at straws. The large, sheetmetal frame above us looked big enough to hold all fifteen keys. The clue even said it would. But no matter what we tried…

The clue…


I scrambled for the light blue placard with the infamous IWR logo on it. Pulling out our latest clue, I read it again — this time more slowly.

“I got it!” I cried. “The whole thing’s upside down!”
