Page 71 of The Vacation Toy

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“No WAY!” I heard Reese shout, as he stepped out beside his friend. His face broke into the biggest of grins. “No fuckingway…”

They hung over the railing side by side, as I settled my elbows on mine. God they looked good! Having missed dinner, I felt the sudden desire to eat them both up.

The two men glanced downward, as if considering the darkened alley five stories below. Then they looked at each other and nodded. What they did next sent my heart into my throat.

Oh my God!

Reese hopped nimbly to the other side of the railing, as Hayden held his wrist. Balancing easily he bent his knees, turned his neck, and motioned me to the opposite side of my balcony.

“Baby, move.”

Before I could even react he was springing upward and outward, his hands and feet landing perfectly and simultaneously onmyrailing. He reached out to help Hayden over as well, and a moment later the two of them were hopping onto my balcony and sweeping me into their arms.

“Holy shit holy shit holyfuckingshit!”

I sang the words into their chests as I hugged them over and over, the warmth of their freshly-showered skin feeling like fire against my cheek. They swept me inside. One of them closed and latched the door behind me.

“I can’t believe the two of you justdidthat!” I cried. “You could’ve fallen! You could’ve broken your nec—”

Someone shushed me with a finger while the other squeezed me from behind. And then they were kissing me. Pressing their hot, beautiful mouths to mine as they took turns passing my lips back and forth, their hands still roaming my body like they hadn’t had it in twoyearsinstead of two weeks.

“Oh my God,” I gasped. “I can’t believe—”

Whatever else I was about to say was lost as a tongue swirled deliciously past mine. I was being touched, felt, even pawed at. But I couldn’t blame them. My own hands and fingertips moved just as frantically over their hard bodies, and never once did they flinch.


A warm hand slid between my thighs, the back of one big thumb applying just the right amount of pressure against my swollen sex. I gasped into Hayden’s perfect mouth, as his friend began working my panties down from behind.

“What… about… Devin?” I somehow murmured, feeling greedy just for saying the words.

“Sleeping,” Hayden whispered between kisses. “He wasreallytired.”


“Besides,” Reese said, his lips working their way up my exposed neck, “you owe us one. After Vegas.”

I half-sighed, half-chuckled. “How do we know the two of you don’t owemeone?”

Hayden stopped kissing me long enough to shrug and grin. “The girl’s got a point.”

A hand took my wrist, guiding me between a pair of muscular legs. Gently my palm closed over something very warm and very swollen.

“Or maybe we owe youtwo?” Reese growled.


I reached for Hayden and found him equally hard and just as ready. In that moment my entire body was alive with heat and adrenaline.

“We haven’t had you in way too fucking long,” Hayden hissed, cupping me boldly. His touch felt absolutely amazing. Like he hadn’t missed a beat.

“Yes,” Reese agreed desperately. His hand slid alongside his friend’s, his fingers seeking and then finding their goal. “And you know what?”

I shook my head dreamily. I couldn’t imagine.

“We’re gonnadestroythis thing tonight,” he grunted hotly, straight into my ear.

The idea was both frightening and amazing at the same time. The words so hot, I could feel myself dripping.

“Oh yeah?” I asked breathlessly. “Promise?”


They pushed me back onto the bed, and my shirt rode up. A few seconds of furious activity later it was off and discarded, and two hot mouths were closing over my breasts.


Their tongues swirled while their hands explored, sending me to an eye-rolling world of purest nirvana. As their fingers found the molten mouth of my hungry sex, I could sense them murmuring amongst themselves. Most likely working out some extremely important details, like which one of them would get me first.

I decided right then and there it was something I’dneverget tired of.
