Page 80 of The Vacation Toy

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“And finally… LUTFISK!”

I had no idea what Lutfisk was, but it sounded like I wanted no part of it. We’d be assigned two to three random dishes though, depending on our position. Having come in near the bottom of the pack, it was looking like we’d better be hungry.

“At least the bowlers are finally gone,” Reese said. “Those lucky fuckers had nine lives.”

It wasn’t until we began the viking challenges that we learned of another elimination: Only Lost Once had succumbed to the ice wall. And if we didn’t manage to eat the disgusting supper put forth before us, we’d be joining them on the plane ride home.

“Everyone, take your tables!” Noah shouted, perched on the rooftop of a half-buried viking hut. Maybe it was his lack of overall stature, but he always seemed to pick places he could strategically preside over us.

“Get hungry…”

Our host raised his arm as the dishes were passed out, for better or for worse. As the tables were filled, groans went up from the contestants. They only seemed to fuel Noah’s glee.

