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“Oh my God it’s absolutelygorgeous!”

I spun around in a slow circle, taking in everything to do with my sister’s property. The neighborhood was nice, the house itself beyond beautiful. Patrice always had a knack for decorating, and she’d taken an already wonderful space and turned it into something spectacular.

But the backyard…

Well, the backyard was nothing short of breathtaking.

“Aunt Delilah, come!”

Rory was pulling my hand, beckoning me down a flagstone path lined with flowerbeds on both sides. If I knew Patrice at all, in the spring these would bloom into something special. My sister would have flowers all summer long.


“Okay, okay,” I chuckled, allowing the tiny little arm to pull me along. “I’m coming already!”

Luke had long ago sprinted ahead, and was just now circling back from a huge patch of lush green grass. The property was enormous. The picturesque line of white pickets that made up the back fence was so very far away, it seemed like something out of a Thomas Kincaid painting.

“And this isallyours?” I asked incredulously. “Everything back here?”

“Yup,” Patrice said proudly. “It’s a lot of acreage, but we’ve got a John Deere now.”

“ActuallyIhave a John Deere now,” her husband said proudly. “Remember? I got a new tractor, you got the kitchen of your dreams.”

My sister’s smile went from ear to ear. Even with the tiny streaks of grey hair that hadn’t been there before, she still looked happier than I’d ever seen her in my life. John too.

“Show her!” Luke kept saying, as he spun in a tight circle. “SHOW HER!”

“We are,” John sighed. “Now please, stop spinning so fast! You’ll make yourself dizzy!”

“I like being dizzy,” Luke protested.

“Yes baby,” said Patrice, “but then you’ll throw up.”

That seemed to stop my little nephew dead in his tracks. He’d thrown up before, and he obviously remembered what it was like.

“Ihatethrowing up,” Luke said, and made a face.

“Then it’s all settled,” his mother told him. “Now take your aunt’s other hand and… well… show her!”

Now I was getting intrigued. Whatever lay on the other side of the house must be pretty special, for everyone to be dragging me in that direction.

“You’re not too tired from your trip, are you?” my sister asked nonchalantly. “Hopefully you got a good night’s sleep?”

“Uh, yeah,” I faltered. “Sure.”

“Good, because we’re taking you out tonight to celebrate.”

She had no way of knowing of course, that I’d spent the night satisfying three Army Rangers and their near insatiable appetites for my warm, willing body. Or that I’d begun the night by lining them up side by side on the couch, and then strutting into the living room wearing the hottest, sluttiest lingerie I could find.

It didn’t even phase me anymore; the fact that there were three of them. I’d tipped them off that the hardest one would get to have me first, and so all three of them were stroking themselves by the time I walked into the living room.

And God, just recalling that beautiful image made me so… fucking… HOT.

Liam — in the center cushion — happened to win that fun little contest, so I turned around in front of him, bent all the way over, and then straddled him reverse cowgirl. Riding him up and down as his hands guided my hips, I reached out to the left and right and pumped the others in rhythm while they watched us fuck.
