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I stood there trembling with excitement, gauging their reactions. Jace and Merrick’s eyes both shifted to Aurelius.

“Oh don’t be mad at him for telling me,” I chuckled. “At least he’s the honest one. Merrick dropped a sly hint about it, then played it off as some kind of big mystery. As if a girl like me wouldn’t get to the bottom of it.”

Aurelius and Merrick dipped their chins, but it was Jace’s expression that concerned me the most. It seemed to be a mixture of anger and confusion and panic. But beneath that outer layer, I could sense other more amorous emotions too.

“Look, I know it’s your rule, your goal, your fantasy,” I told them matter-of-factly. “I know you’re looking for one woman to share between all three of you.”


“I’m not saying I’m that woman,” I told them quickly. “But Iwillsay the whole idea of it makes me hot. I’ve been thinking about it all day. Wondering what it would be like if you boys… well…”

I turned in a slow circle, looking at each of them in turn. My eyes settled on Jace’s intentionally last.

“Listen, I want this. Ineedthis. I have to try it, and I know you’ve already tried it, and I know that no matter what happens it’s going to be so fuckinggood.”

I pulled my hair back slowly, seductively, then shrugged my dress over my shoulders. The guys gawked silently as I pulled it down, first over one arm then the other. With a quick shimmy of my hips, it dropped straight down my body and to the floor.

“I’m giving myself to you,” I said softly. “You have my permission. I want to experience all three of you in every way.”

I should’ve felt naked before all three of them, dressed only in my satin red bra and matching thong panties. Instead I felt exhilarated and empowered — and yes, hot — beyond anything I could’ve imagined.

Jace finally took two steps in my direction. I slid my arms over his shoulders, but his face was still serious.

“And Tyler?” he asked.

I shrugged. “Tyler never has to know.”

His handsome face contorted into a frown. It didn’t seem to be the answer he wanted.

“He’s myfriend, Dakota. And you’re his sister!”

“And Tyler’s a big boy who can take care of himself,” I countered, letting my eyebrows knit together. “We’re not kids anymore, Jace. We’re all grown up. Tyler has his own life, just like we do. I don’t interfere in anything he’s doing, and I don’t remember my brother ever seeking my approval for anything that he did.”

With that I kissed him, swirling my tongue through his hot mouth. With each second that ticked by I could feel his resolve weaken. The tension slowly drained out of his shoulders, and the hands on my hips finally began to wander.

Holy shit this is actually happening…

My heart thundered away in my chest as Jace began kissing me back. And then there were two sets of hands on my body. Three sets…

Oh my GOD.

I had Merrick on my left, pulling me in his direction. His big hand was gentle as it guided my mouth away from Jace’s and onto his own. Once again my lips parted, and a second hot tongue plunged inside. I whimpered softly as he kissed me over and over, practically melting into his arms as someone else pressed against my mostly-bare ass from behind.


The SEAL’s hot mouth dropped sensuously to my neck. And then he was kissing me too, his goatee brushing against my skin with a delicious tickle. I was shivering all over. Shuddering with lust. Every inch of my exposed skin broke out in goosebumps as they passed my lips back and forth between them, taking turns exploring my mouth. By the time Aurelius’s hands slipped around me, cupping my breasts from behind, I was practically drenched.

“You have towantthis if we’re really going to do it,” another voice whispered in my opposite ear. “I need to hear it again, Dakota. From your own lips.”

I pulled back for a second, turning to face Jace again. His expression was calm, rational, placid. But his eyes, like mine, were swimming with lust.

“Look, I know you boys are trying to be good,” I said gently. “But I’m here for another nine days. I can spend them alone, drinking from coconuts and doing touristy bullshit. Trying to find some cute, meaningless fling to unleash some of this pent-up sexual tension on…”

I unhooked my bra, letting it fall. Three sets of eyes dropped accordingly.

“… or I can spend it here with you, men I already enjoy and respect,” I finished breathlessly. “Laughing and playing and making you boys very,veryhappy…”
