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We took the scenic way home, walking along the palm-lined streets and down near the waterline. Holding hands beneath a calm night filled with twinkling stars, and the most gentle of breezes carrying up from the ocean the scent of salt, and sea, and spray.

It was warm and romantic. Beautiful beyond my wildest dreams. We’d ducked out of the last bar somewhere near Kaimana Beach, and were moving north and west along the shore of some magnificent, unnamed lagoon as our buzz carried us into the night.

“Cut through the park?”

I smiled and nodded, eager to follow Aurelius literally anywhere. We’d laughed and talked all night, and now my handsome date was content just to walk beside me, letting me enjoy the silence and breathtaking views.

It was well past midnight. Probably closer to two in the morning. The grass-kissed pathways tracing their way through the park side of Waikiki Beach were soft and cool beneath my feet, as Aurelius had been carrying my shoes for the past half mile.

“I can’t believe you get to live here,” I said.

He squeezed me close. “It wasn’t always this way. For years I did tour after tour, visiting place after place. Stopping here only sometimes between assignments.”

I stopped at a stone wall, where one of those pay-to-view metal binoculars were mounted. I swiveled the heavy instrument toward the ocean as Aurelius came up behind me.

“Got a quarter?”

He fished around in his pocket for a moment, then dropped one in. The lenses clicked open, and I was treated to a shimmering nighttime view of Mamala Bay.

“So you’ve seen a good chunk of the world,” I breathed, focusing on a couple of sailboats anchored nearby.

Aurelius didn’t answer. Instead his arms slid around me from behind, his strong fingers flexing as his hands went to my hips. They felt like they belonged there.

“What’s the most exotic place you’ve ever been?”

I felt his palms slide lower. They lifted the hem of my dress upward, gliding it along the backs of my thighs.

“Oh, I don’t know…” he murmured softly. “The Colombian rainforest was pretty wild. I’ve scaled cliffs in Croatia. Done rescue ops in Cambodia, Queensland, Fiji…”

“You’ve been to Fiji?”

His hands moved again. My dress inched higher.

“For a hot minute I was assigned to a Marine Recon Unit at an Ice Station in Antarctica.”

I blinked. “What was that about?”

“Can’t talk about that one,” Aurelius whispered, as his lips dropped gently to my shoulder. “Classified.”

He began planting tiny kisses against my exposed skin, sending a wave of goosebumps washing over me. As his hot mouth traced its way along the flesh of my neck, I arched my body into him.

“But the most exotic place I’ve ever been?” he repeated softly. “Hmm…”

His vise-like hands had brought my dress all the way up now. I could feel the cool night air against my naked ass. The tug of my thong as he pulled it downward, then stretched it off to one side.

“That one’seasy,”the big SEAL whispered hotly, directly into my ear.

I gasped as his hand slipped downward, melting into my thigh gap. Two thick fingers began rubbing my mound, probing the pleasant soreness I still felt from last night.

Oh wow…

I was already wet. Already tingling. I sighed into his mouth as he began kissing me from behind, while the distinct jangle of a belt buckle shattered the nighttime silence.

