Page 74 of Touch of Fondness

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Brielle grabbed a chair from the kitchen table and rushed over to the screen.

“There are still some editorial notes to go through,” said Archer. “I mean, I thought we had it finalized, but someone higher up got a look at it—I mean, the changes are minor—”

“Uh-uh.” Brielle held her hand up and squeezed her fingers together like she was puppeteering her hand so he would shut his trap. “You’re finally letting me read this. Give me silence.”

He guffawed and wheeled a short distance away to the drafting table. She heard him pick up a pencil and start sketching, but she could tell just from the sound alone that he wasn’t being serious about his work. He seemed to be dragging his pencil in a circle over and over again.

She readWheelsvolume two. She laughed and she squealed and she was actually crying by the end.

Covering her mouth, she turned around to face Archer with tears in her eyes. “You adorable little talented… Thank you!” She scooched her own chair closer so she could throw her arms around his shoulders and kiss him on the cheek.

“Are you my girlfriend or my mother?” he asked, smirking, staring down at his pencil sketches of circles.

“Ew, mood-ruiner,” said Brielle, laughing.

InWheels 2(subtitle to be determined, as Archer kept telling her), Todd had fallen in love. With a house cleaner. His little squirrel approved, but Todd kept trying to tell himself not to follow his heart. Because he wasn’t worthy of her. Because he was a burden. Because she had dreams that would take her out of his orbit.

And he let himself fall in love with her anyway.

Brielle had known Archer loved her, but she hadn’t quite known how much. Hadn’t known what he’d been feeling while she’d been worried about the direction her life was going in.

Hadn’t known how much she’d really have missed out on had she left and gone somewhere else.

“Then how about you kiss me like my girlfriend would?”

That smile of his.Oh my god, that smile.

Brielle jumped up so she could climb onto his lap, forcing him to back up from the table so she could squeeze between them. Her arms were wrapped around his shoulders and neck, her legs kicking off the other side of his wheelchair, her thigh squished tight against the drafting table. She could feel him get hard almost as soon as she sat down, and he turned red as she shimmied and shifted into a more comfortable position. To tell the truth, she kept shimmying a bit more than she had to once she saw the effect it had on him. “This is how you drew Todd and Angie,” she said, referring to her counterpart in the comic.

“I almost asked you if you’d model it for me,” he said. “But then I couldn’t see it from this vantage point anyway.”

“We could have set up a camera on a timer,” said Brielle, huskily, softly, peppering his neck with kisses.

“But then that would have given away the ending,” he said, nuzzling his stubble against her cheek.

“Well, you could have asked me to do it without the picture and counted it as a little empirical study,” she said, beaming.

Even though it was unlikely he’d ever need to draw characters kissing in that position again, she made sure he gota lotof empirical study.
