Page 10 of Taming Mr. Smith

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“Fuck yes, I’ll kiss you. I want nothing more, I’ve dreamt about tasting you, Nell,” he says in a low voice, making my lids flutter. “Open your mouth to me.”

My eyes flare, my mouth dropping but he cuts me off halfway with a kiss, tasting and taking what he wants. First we struggle, wanting more than we can handle before we slow down, our tongues moving like lovers. His lips are firm and demanding and he’s doing all kinds of tricks in my mouth that make my mind swim.

Letting out a moan when my knees go weak, he pushes me against his desk, grabbing my hips and jerks me against his crotch. My core heats up from rubbing against him, the kiss turning so penetrating, he needs to lay me down, trailing kisses down my neck...

“Big Daddy, where are you?” Lucretia shouts.

Hearing her voice at a moment as forbidden and intimate as this one, frazzles me and I push at him and he frowns.

“What is it?” he asks, unfazed as if he didn’t hear anything. He knows how to block things out like that but I don’t.

“Your daughter is calling for you,” I murmur, my face so warm it feels it’s burning up.

“Ignore it,” he says with shimmery eyes, like he’s just won a prize he can’t separate from. Like I’m his little trophy, he wants to be shining just for him. “I’ll lock the door.”

I want to stay, have him kiss me some more but I shake my head and jump down from his desk, squirming because I need to take a cold shower now.

“I h...have to go,” I stutter and he reaches for me once more but I jump out of his way and then I run to my room before I get caught.



As suspected, my daughter wanted some extra money and had anyone else interrupted me and Nell like that I would have ripped their heads off with my teeth. But I can’t do that with Lulu.

“Here you go,” I say, my voice agitated as I hand her some cash from my wallet. “Don’t waste everything at once.”

Lulu snorts, then throws a suspicious look around my office. “I’m surprised. I thought Smelly was going to be in here.”

Frowning, I lean against my desk. “Smelly? You mean Nell?” My frown deepens. “She does indeed smell delicious.”

Gawking, Lulu stares at me, her jaw nearly down on the floor.

“What?” I ask, wondering why she’s looking like that and she shakes her blonde head.

“I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear that,” she yaps as if I just personally insulted her and then she storms out, the door slamming behind her.

And now I’m alone in here, while my appetite grows gluttonous for Nell. Rubbing my jaw, I try to do some work but my mind is elsewhere, busy with imagining Nell’s curves being used by me.

I’m tempted to take her. More than tempted but I don’t want to push her. Walking out of my office I go into my bedroom, turn on the water in my shower and get out of my clothes. Its echoey in here, black marble everywhere with a white sink larger and heavier than a Ferrari. Leaving my clothes in a pile on the floor, I step inside the shower, the warm rays hitting my back and my head, my sight growing muddy.

If Nell was in here, I’d haul her up against that marble wall then rub the tip of my cock between her ass cheeks, until she begged to be entered. Hell, if I had her naked in my arms right now I’d beg to enterherand I grip my aching shaft.

“Nell, Nell, Nell...” I chant with my eyes squeezed closed, my forehead pressed against the wall as I wrench myself, imagining it’s her soft hands fondling me, her hazel eyes looking up at me while her mouth opens in invitation. If I imagine it hard enough I can see her tits springing, brushing against my thighs, her fingers tracing their way to her leaky pussy...

Letting out a curse, I start spattering, unable to hold back anymore but afterwards I’m not satisfied. As appealing as the fantasy version of Nell is, it’s not enough. It could never be enough.

Only the real thing will do.

Drying my body, I put on some clean clothes, agitated that I can’t find any release. She’s making me feral and with a muscle working in my jaw, I set out to look for her.

I finally find her alone in the kitchen, cleaning fine china by the sink. The sunlight from the window shines on the copper highlights in her hair, her indecent buttocks jerking with each rough move of her hand as she washes the dishes.

It makes me see red, fills my shaft with blood, turns my pulse on edge. Putting a hand in front of my mouth, I clear my throat to announce my presence.

She flinches, throwing a look over her shoulder. “Mr. Smith...” she begins then trails off because she can see my intentions, clearly. And they’re not polite or gentle, just raw and hungry and deprived.

Letting out a shocked gasp as I stalk over to her, she looks at me with innocent eyes but her body know what it needs, her hands pulling at the hem of her skirt but she doesn’t take it far enough.
