Page 12 of Taming Mr. Smith

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Sighing, I shake myself, changing the sheets on Lucretia’s bed. She is out with a friend right now and her chic albeit a little sterile pool house is empty. Her style isn’t as excessive as Mr. Smith’s, the walls mauve colored and most of her furniture’s made out of mirrored glass, including her bedpost.

I don’t know if she knows about me and her dad, but she probably does. In high school, she knew everyone’s business, especially mine. I wouldn’t be surprised if things haven’t changed.

I don’t get how someone can be so mean when they have all the luxuries in the world. She’s so privileged that I feel a little burst of envy as I lift up the clothes that she’s thrown on the floor and toss them into the laundry basket. The sound of sharp, spiky heels makes me look up and I sigh inwardly.

“What are you doing in here?” Lucretia asks with narrowed eyes, putting her hand on her hip.

“Cleaning,” I answer truthfully and something cruel flashes over her eyes.

“Heard you got invited to the party.”

She makes it sound like a challenge, like me coming to the party is part of some kind of contest.

“Your Big Daddy asked me to come.”

“Think it’s more like you invited yourself and he felt sorry for you and couldn’t say no,” she snorts. “But don’t worry, I’ll tell him you can’t make it.”

My heart flips in my chest. “But I can make it.” And I’m going to. I’m not going to let Lucretia keep me from her dad. I already have enough with dodging all the evil eyes the staff give me and trying to pretend I don’t hear their sly remarks.

“How?” she asks, tilting her head to the side and the razor ends of her hair brush against her shoulders. “You’ve got nothing to wear.”

“I’ll find something...”

“They don’t make nice clothes in your size,” she cuts off. “If you want to be one of us, you have to look the part otherwise you’ll just be an embarrassment.“

“Stepping out of line again, Lulu?” an unnerving voice asks and we both jerk. Mr. Smith is standing in the doorway, looking at us with tense eyes like he has no idea why we can’t get along. “Is the chef putting something in your food, because I’m eager to know what’s making you act like this?”

I’d like to know that too.

“I was only telling her what you don’t have the guts to,” Lucretia says with a jerk of her chin and Mr. Smith’s eyes darken.

“Talk to Nell like that again and you can forget about the money to your rhinoplasty that you keep begging me for.”

Gasping, I put my hand in front of my mouth to choke down a laugh and Lucretia inhales in shock, hiding her nose with her fingers and with a vicious look my way, she runs out of the room.

“Is that true?” I ask in surprise. “That she wants plastic surgery?”

Mr. Smith shrugs. “She thinks her nose is too big. One of Lulu’s many delusions.” He looks at me with concern. “Are you okay, little girl?”

I nod and he frowns thoughtfully.

“I’ve never seen her act like this before. Lulu is a good kid otherwise.”

That’s what he thinks, but I don’t have the heart to tell him how wrong he is so instead I don’t say anything.

“I need to head back to the office again but I wanted to give you your surprise,” he rasps. “It’s waiting for you on your bed and I want you to wear it tonight.”

A thrill runs through me. “Really?”

“Really,” he answers, then opens up his arms wide and I want nothing more than press my face against his chest and have him embrace me but I shake my head. What if Lucretia is still lurking around?

Mr. Smith’s face hardens.

“I want you to come to me,” he says in a guttural voice that makes me shudder from arousal. “Or I won’t be able to leave.”

My body automatically moves to him, our mouths latching onto each other like they’re hungry for another’s nourishments, my hands fisting his hair as he gropes my curves with the desperation of a man who’s about to go to war.

Grabbing my butt, he bounces me against his shaft, almost causing my teeth to clasp and we moan and groan simultaneously, searching for that fire, that perfect friction that makes the world go away.
