Page 19 of Taming Mr. Smith

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“I’ve never really asked you where you got that scar on your eye,” I say in a low voice and he tenses a little.

“Happened when I was out one night to get some formula for Lulu. We lived in a rough area at the time and I’d left her with the neighbor, taking a short cut back home when I got jumped by three men.” He pulls his thumb down his eye. “That’s how I ended up with this.”

“Sounds like your life hasn’t always been the easiest,” I say in a low voice as my heart hurts for him. “That makes me sad.”

Looking at me with heated eyes, he reaches for me and snatches me to him, “Then I’m going to have to fuck all that sadness right out of you...”

And he does, making me feel like I’m floating on clouds afterwards. Once we’ve showered and put on some clothes, Mycroft quickly excuses himself because he needs to take a couple of calls in his office. Promising him not to go far because he’ll be done soon, I wonder whether I should maybe have a swim in the lake...

“Pack your bags and leave, ho ho ho,” a hoarse voice says behind me and I turn around. Lucretia is leaning against the wall, dressed in all black like she’s going to a funeral.

“Excuse me?” I ask and she pokes at me with her finger.

“You heard me loud and clear, trailer park Barbie. You don’t belong here.”

My voice doesn’t even shudder when I say, “I belong with your dad.”

Her face drops and for a second she loses her footing. “What did you just say?” She shakes her head, “Oh Smelly, you got this all wrong. The only bitch that’s allowed in Big Daddy’s life is me.” She points at herself proudly. “I’m his Lulu.”

The floor underneath me seems to shake and I take a deep breath. I’ve had a magical night and morning. I don’t want her to ruin this.

“But I’m his princess,” I say softly, an impish part of me adding in the back of my head that he’smyBig Daddy now. Lucretia’s face distorts and she pokes at me again, hard.

“You’ll never be queen,” she spits, angrier than I’ve ever seen her and she backs me into a wall. “You think I don’t know you haven’t told him about your nasty background? You think I don’t know he’d throw you to the dogs, the minute he found out?”

My heart drops. “Lucretia...” I try resonating calmly but she pokes at me again. Her fingers are so sharp they feel like claws and I make a mental note that I need to suggest that she files them.

“You think he could respect you, knowing what I know? Knowing that you’re nothing but garbage, knowing that he tainted himself by fucking a gross piece of white trash...”

Black spots twirl before my eyes.

“Stop it!” I cry, putting my hands in front of my ears and my body is shaking. “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” Tears stream down my cheeks and I wipe them off. “You’re the most despicable, spoiled and vile person that I’ve ever met!”

Gasping for oxygen, Lucretia stares at me but I ignore her, running down the staircase and she lets out a deafening shriek.


I don’t answer, I don’t stop. Instead I run out of the manor and then I keep running.



“The improvements on the C4 mine is not moving fast enough...,” I tell my foreman, as I’m in the middle of a serious phone conversation when Lulu lets out a hysterical shriek that pierces my ears. Pinching the bridge of my nose I wonder whether to go out and bark at her to keep it down, when I see Nell run out of the manor.

What the fuck is she doing...?

She looks like she’s being hunted, her shapely legs taking her surprisingly fast, her hair fluttering like a red flag in the hard wind as she keeps getting farther and farther away.

“I’ll call you back,” I say, hanging up and I lunge for the door, blood pounding in my temples at the time ticking. I find Lucretia at the top of the staircase, all red in the face, her arms shuddering and her fists are clenched like she’s furious.

I’m pretty bloody furious too and I grab her shoulders.

“What did you do?” I snarl, shaking her. “What the hell did you say to my poor Nell?”

It better not have been anything hurtful. Lucretia better not have hurt my little girl, because needing to choose sides will be devastating.

Lulu jerks her chin. “I told her the truth, Big Daddy,” she yaps. “I spared her from the disappointment. All I told her was that you wouldn’t want her once you found out she’s white trash.”
