Page 36 of Doctor Knows Best

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It took a little longer, but her heart was pounding so violently, she was glad she had the extra time to try to calm down. The cab pulled up to a generic brick building with none of the charm of the historic district they had driven through. It was sort of a relief. Getting kicked out of an eighteenth-century Federal-style building would be more painful than a nondescript cellblock might be.

“Will you wait until the door is answered?” she asked, handing money over, and the cabbie agreed.

The front door was an imposing brass monstrosity flanked by a bank of brass mailboxes with doorbell buttons under each box.

She looked at the address again. He was in apartment four twenty-six. A mailbox with J. Karas was right at eye level. Checking the time on her phone, it was only eight thirty. But it was now or never, so she pushed the button. It took a minute, but a sleepy Jason finally said, “Hello.”

“Jay, it’s Lily,” she said, bursting into tears. She could barely get out the words. “Can I see you?”

In a minute the front door opened, and Jason was there in his sweatpants, grabbing her to hug.

“Is that your cab?” he asked, and when she nodded, sobbing, he waved it away.

Jason held her until she calmed down, and then led her into the foyer. Holding on, he sought her lips and kissed them, cradling her face in his hands.

“I’m so sorry,” she cried. “Can you forgive me?”

“You’re forgiven,” he said. “Are you really mine?”

“Yes. Are you mine?”

“Always,” he replied.

Leading her to the elevator, they got in and, as soon as the doors closed, began to kiss, hungry for each other, desire radiating between them. At the fourth floor, the car stopped. He led her to his place, spartan, just like his apartment in Greektown with the same simple furniture, only this was Philadelphia. It didn’t make any difference to her. They were together again.

He closed and locked the door and led her to the bedroom. “You know the drill,” he said, smiling while he unbuttoned her shirt. Every inch of his body craved her. “We have to get the most important things taken care of first.”

“Oh, is that right?” she said, smiling through her tears. “I guess doctor knows best.”

“You didn’t forget,” he said, kissing her, his touch sending warmth through her body.

They made love again, and the time they’d spent apart melted away, meaningless.


Saturday night, they sat at the small table overlooking the lights of the city. Jason had sweatpants on again, and Lily was wearing one of his shirts. They’d ordered pizza and were catching up after being apart for seven months.

“When do you take the bar?”

“In two weeks, believe it or not. And I already found out that Michigan and Pennsylvania have reciprocal licensing.”

They high-fived. “That’s great news,” he said.

“How’s the residency?” she asked.

“Two weeks in and I haven’t been kicked out yet. The docs I work with are really nice. I didn’t expect it. They say I’m still shell-shocked from medical school, so anything will seem easier.”

“What’s it like living here?”

“It’s nice. I’m still learning my way around. Lily, I just thought of this. One of the docs I work with is married to an attorney who is best friends with a partner at one of the biggest criminal defense firms in the city.”

“Jeez, how convenient is that?” Lily said, pondering. “I don’t want to get my hopes up. You haven’t even asked me to move in with you yet.”

He slid off his chair onto his knees. “Lily Fairchild, will you be my wife?”

Throwing her arms around him, Lily cried, “Yes! I’ll be your wife. But when will you have time?”

“Next Christmas,” he said. “What do you say? I think a Christmas wedding is just what the doctor ordered.”

“Okay, Christmas it is. I love you, Jason Karas.”

“And I love you. I can’t wait to start our new life together.”

“Are you sure getting married and having me move in and looking for a job won’t be too much, with you just starting a residency?” Lily asked.

“I’m positive. Trust me, beautiful. The doctor knows best.”

The End
