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Annie asked about that, and Maggie explained about the wild horse situation.

“I feel like I’m doing my part to help,” Maggie said. “They’ll be free to leave my property and move around the state land. But legally, they’ll live here. It will prevent the powers that be from killing them.”

“Oh my God, I had no idea they kill them!”

Maggie told her all she knew about the situation and the urgency of trying to relocate at least part of the band. She explained everything that the group Justin worked with did, including adoption and inoculating the females with the contraceptive medication to try to control the herd. The more she told, the more her anger at Justin dissipated. He wasn’t a bad person; he just used bad judgment.

While they chatted, the horses settled in for the night, some sleeping standing up, a few lying down. A bat flew across the porch, scaring the women, and they laughed, their laughter not seeming to cause an issue with the horses.

Shortly before ten, her phone beeped. “Speak of the devil; it’s a text from Justin.”

I hope this isn’t too late. The preservation leader just called and said we can make the transfer of the band to your place tomorrow if it’s convenient. You don’t have to do anything. I’ll bring a water trough so they can drink until they find a fresh water source nearby, and there are plenty of places.

Please let me know if this will work for you.


She burst out laughing. “He used a nickname he had when we were kids. I guess he’s trying to lighten things up.”

“Well, it looks like it worked,” Annie said.

“I’m fighting it.”

“Mags, you can be pretty stubborn,” Annie replied gently. “That’s something you can overcome.”

Bristling, Maggie had had enough insults from friends and family to last a lifetime, but wanted to try to get beyond being defensive, and it wasn’t coming easily.

“How, just go against my feelings?”

“Feelings can’t be trusted,” she said.

“I guess when you invite a therapist for the weekend, you have to listen to her BS.”

“Ha! No, you can tell me to shut up,” Annie replied.

“I don’t think I will. But you have to understand, I was naked. We screwed on the dock. She was up on the back of a horse, so I’m sure she had a good view of my ass.”

The purge was enormous and it took every bit of self-control not to blubber after confessing her humiliation.

“Your ass is amazing! And she apologized. But let me ask you; was it a full moon?”

Reduced to childish laughter, the women roared, slapping their thighs.

“No, thank God. Not the celestial moon, anyway. My moon, yes. Front and center! Ugh. I guess I’d better answer his text. They’re bringing the horses here tomorrow morning.”

Tomorrow is fine.

“How do they bring them?” Annie asked concerned. “In a trailer?”

“That and some of them are herded over. I’m not sure that’s the right expression. They round ’em up. They’re overrunning national lands that border on the wildlife preserve that borders on my property, so they just herd the ones they can get to cooperate. Evidently, it’s not an easy process.”

Chatting into the night, a horse’s whinny got their attention when they laughed again.

“I guess they want us to close up,” Maggie said, standing. “It’s bedtime. Come on, Miss Brulee, one last pee.”

The next morning at seven, Maggie’s phone beeped, Justin writing,We’re on our way.There was no reason to wake Annie, so she tiptoed down the stairs, carrying Brulee, who’d have a field day watching the horses moving in. A bit of unavoidable excitement crept in, and when she caught a glimpse of herself in the shiny toaster, she was smiling. She’d work at moving forward, but it didn’t mean that she was going to pick right up where they left off. The possibility existed that their relationship was over, and she could accept that.

Outside with a cup of coffee, the beauty of the place struck her again, trying to soothe her wounded soul. She had so much for which to be grateful. Fog lifting off the water swirled around a heron fishing for his breakfast. The sun rising behind the cottage sent rays of light through the trees, just enough to illuminate the autumn colors of the Virginia creeper and sweet gum and maple trees growing along the edge of the clearing.
