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The struggle of trying to overcome Justin’s faux pas might simply be due to growing pains, the inevitable consequence of change. If only moving there could have been as effortless as it seemed betrayal was for Russ and Claudia. And why was she focusing on them again? It was over, done with, resolved. Then the truth that she’d run away from the hurt by coming to Cypress Cove made itself real. She’d heard it before, but it was something she needed to face, to take responsibility for.

“Ugh,” she said out loud.

Then she looked to her left when the sound of Justin’s truck alerted her as he drove to the gate. Again, trying to rationalize the nerviness of him unlocking, but he was saving her a trip. If she really didn’t want him to do that, she should change the combination to the lock. She’d meet him on the path rather than have him come up to the cottage.

With his elbow on the window, those tattooed arms got her attention, and that also ticked her off. Justin just couldn’t win with her.

“I’ve got the watering trough in back. I thought I’d stick it behind the cottage as far as your hose will reach. Then you won’t have them too close to the house. If you keep it filled for a few days, they should be okay. Give them a chance to recover from the trip before they have to search for water again.”

She shrugged her shoulders and said, “Okay.”

Human voices and horses neighing echoed from the north trail. The horses were coming.

“Here they come! The trailers will be right behind me.” He backed up and drove around out of sight.

Annie came to the door. “Am I missing the excitement?”

“No, they’re just coming now. I didn’t even think of having refreshments. I’d better make a pot of coffee for the riders. I have day-old donuts. I hope it’s enough.”

“They should be bringing you something,” Annie said, yawning.

She held the door for Maggie, concerned when she saw how dewy eyed she was.

“Are you okay, sweetheart?”

“No. Same garbage. I have to stop with the misery. It can’t be good for me.”

She looked up just as the first rider came into the yard, leading another animal. The horse was beautiful, too, a chestnut mare with a slightly smaller yearling at her side. The riders were on their own mounts, leading the wild horses they were able to rein in. Soon, a large trailer arrived with the horses that had minds of their own.

“Why don’t you wait out here and watch. I’ll make coffee. If they want anything else, we can worry about that later.”

Taking a deep breath, Maggie would let Annie lead her. It might help, letting others take control. Nodding her head, she handed her empty cup to Annie and sat in her chair. Brulee jumped up in her lap to watch.

Then her aunt called. “What’s going on there? I thought I’d have Gus bring me around for coffee this morning.”

“Come. The horses just got here.”

“Ah! I’ll be right there.”

Annie brought her a cup of fresh coffee.

“My aunt is on her way. It’s a fast boat trip from town. What time are you meeting Steve?”

“If it’s okay with you, I was going to ask him to come here. I don’t want to miss the excitement.”

“That’s a good idea,” Maggie said.

“Is this your friend Justin?” Annie whispered as a handsome guy rounded the corner.

“Yes,” she said flatly. “Can I go to my room?”

“No, you have to deal with it. Have it out with him if you must.”

“I already did that.”

“Hey,” Justin called out, coming up to the railing of the porch. “What do you think?”

He nodded to the stream of horses and riders entering her yard.
