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“What’s the address?”

“Forty-one seventeen,” he said. “There’s a big sign out front, Chastain Veterinary Clinic. Just pull in to the driveway, but don’t go back into the barnyard. You can go in the front door.”

“Okay, well, thank you! I’d better say goodbye to my family first.”

“I’ll let Justin know you’re on your way.”

She searched the crowd and saw that her mother was talking to a group of people she didn’t recognize, so she bypassed Rose and went to Elizabeth, who was outside in the tent, talking to Gus.

“Aunt, I’m going to take off. Justin worked all night, and the doctor is giving me his keys so I can go see him.” She dangled keys to a Bentley, making Gus laugh.

“You look like you should be driving a Bentley in that dress,” he said.

“Aw, Gus, you are a charmer. Can I leave the skiff with you tonight if I don’t make it home?”

“Of course. I’ll lock it up good and safe. By the way, you got any frien’s for a man my age?” he asked, his eyes sparkling.

“I might,” Maggie said seriously. “I just might. Let me think about this. Speaking of friends, anyone seen Annie and Steve?”

“I have a terrible feeling they snuck upstairs to one of the bedrooms,” Elizabeth said. “Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but…”

“It’s gross is what it is,” Maggie said. “Myfriendshave all lost their minds, I think.”

She kissed her goodbye and left the party with her bag and her little dog.

Dr. Chastain was correct, getting to the house was easy. She pulled into the driveway, careful not to do a curb job, and saw Justin waiting in the doorway, looking exhausted. He stepped out and met her at the car, taking the dog. He kissed her, and she smelled shampoo and minty toothpaste.

“God, look at you. Gorgeous.”

“I just found out it’s my grandmother’s wedding dress. She would have been almost eighty if she were still alive, and she got married when she was a teenager, so the dress is over sixty years old. I have other clothes with me, so I want to change.”

“Follow me,” he said. “Was it difficult leaving?”

“No. Annie and Steve were occupying one of the bedrooms, evidently, so that left fifty people over sixty and me. It was time to get out of there.”

They chatted about Steve and Annie acting like love-starved teenagers.

“I guess I don’t have any room to talk,” Maggie said, embarrassed.

“Maggie, what are you talking about? We love each other. We’ve already determined that. You have nothing to be ashamed of, okay? I love you.”

They reached for each other, hugging. “I love you, too, Justin.”

“I guess it’s too early to ask you to marry me.”

She looked at him sidelong, weighing her words. Justin wasn’t slick like Russ had been. He was an innocent who was prone to making bad decisions just like she was. And she was in love with him.

“No, it’s not, but it’s too early to announce it. Ask me now,” she demanded.

“Will you marry me?” he asked, crouching down to look into her eyes.

“Yes,” she said, laughing as she pushed him away. “So there you go. You can relax.”

“Can I give you a ring?”

“Not yet. I want to take our time, please. Where can I change clothes?”

“There’s a bathroom back here unless you want to go to my bedroom.”
