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“I hope the new one does the same thing.”

“I’m sure it will. Our children will be able to find their way by looking for the evil eye.”

“That reminds me of something Gus shared, gossip about Steve and Annie.”

“What now? Those two act like they invented sex,” he said, snickering.

She told him the comment about testosterone, and he seemed offended, like he was jealous.

“What’s wrong, Justin? I can see I hit a nerve.”

“I’m jealous of them,” he said. “They’re doing what I want to do.”

Incredulously, he expounded more, angering her.

“What? Have a baby right away? Live above his parents’ hardware store? Have a shotgun wedding because your family is afraid of gossip? That sounds horrible to me. Annie has to go back to work right away, did you know that? They won’t be able to make it on Steve’s salary, even with the rent help. They won’t even have health insurance because she couldn’t afford the Cobra. I’m thinking about giving her the money for it, it’s so upsetting to me.”

He grabbed her and apologized right away. “I know I’m acting like a spoiled kid because I can’t live with my girlfriend.”

Pretending to pout, she couldn’t tease him for long. He grabbed her to hug again and she just melted.

“Aw, I’m sorry. Can you go on like this indefinitely? I like the way we do it,” she said. “I like it that you’ll stay with me tonight and we’ll have passionate sex and then I might come home with you tomorrow night or maybe not, it will depend on what we want to do. I’m sorry you don’t like it.”

“I just miss you,” he said. “I want to share our lives together.”

“Okay, well, is it unreasonable to wait? We haven’t even been together for two full months.”

He laughed, embarrassed. “Like I said, I am acting like a spoiled kid.”

“Let’s set a date,” she said.

“Seriously? It’s probably in ten years.”

“No, silly,” she said, laughing at him. “How about let’s talk again next Halloween.”

“We’re just going to talk in a year. No wedding in a year.”

“We might decide to get married, but I want to talk first.”

“It’s a date. We’re going to talk in one year. Well, one year and two days. Halloween is Saturday.”

“I can’t wait. I’m going to hide on the porch and wait for the headless horseman!”

“Not me. I’ll be hiding under the bed.”

She playfully swatted him and handed him a plate. “Let’s eat on the porch, okay? It’s too beautiful out to be cooped up in the house.”

They went outside with Brulee, and just as they sat down, their nightly visitors came out into the clearing to see what was for dinner.

Chapter 12

“Here comes the bride, all dressed in white.”

A group of casually dressed friends and family surrounded Annie and Steve at the community center/Methodist church in Cypress Cove, singing out of tune, the mother of the groom sobbing, the mother of the bride taciturn, the couple beaming. They were crazy in love. Maybe having a baby was a good thing because they surely would have gone crazy if they’d been apart, and Annie didn’t think that doing what Maggie and Justin did was possible.

Annie had said it numerous times, “I would never have been able to quit my job and pack up and move to a place like this.”

“Wait, what’s a place like this?” Steve had asked. They were sitting on the porch, playing cards late one night.
