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“We can afford to honor you alone,” Maggie said. “And I don’t want a shower. I’d hate it.”

“This is in honor of baby Casson,” Katrina said. “He’s our first little nephew.”

They reached the cottage and Annie was truly grateful with the effort Katrina had gone to.

“Wow, the fresh flowers are gorgeous! And the hors d’oeuvres. I’m starving.”

“Get a plate. You’re the guest of honor. And just an FYI, we’re not having any games or crap like that. The plan is to open the gifts and eat.”

“Who did the hors d’oeuvres?” Maggie asked.

“One of the deputy’s wives caters. She did all the food. It’s amazing, too. The cake is a masterpiece.”

They followed her into the kitchen and on the counter sat a huge blue and white, three-tiered cake with a stork stuffing a baby in a mailbox.

“This is a beautiful cake,” Annie exclaimed, astonished. “It’s enough for a hundred people.”

“You didn’t getthisfrom Spencer’s grocery, did you?” Maggie asked.

“No, that’s for sure. Another wife bakes cakes. It looks fabu but how does it taste? There was no time for a tasting.”

“It’s too pretty to eat.”

The other guests arrived and Annie got busy talking to Steve’s family while Maggie and Katrina whispered in the kitchen.

“You’re coming over tomorrow, aren’t you?” Maggie asked. “I just want to spend it with you and Dave. The barn is almost done so tell Dave he can get a break.”

Katrina looked at Maggie, tears welling up in her eyes. “Dave needs to work for his mental health. It’ll be good for him. We got news yesterday. I can’t wait to tell you, but I don’t want to talk about it here, not in front of Rose and Aunt Elizabeth.”

Maggie took her hand, looking into her friend’s eyes. “Kat, what is it?”

“Baby boy has Down syndrome,” she said, looking back at Maggie. “They’re positive.”

With a deep breath, Maggie slid her arm around Katrina’s waist. “We’ll figure this out together,” she said. “You won’t be alone. Justy and I will be with you and Dave, Kat.”

“I’m scared for him. We’re already talking about what will happen to him when we die.”

“You’re getting ahead of yourself. You won’t know what he’ll be capable of until he’s born and since he’ll have every advantage, he’ll reach his fullest potential. We’ll make sure of it.”

Although the women weren’t particularly demonstrative, Katrina bent over and kissed Maggie’s cheek. “Thank you, sweet friend.”

“We only have a few more months of childless freedom,” Maggie said. “Let’s go to Bonnet Island tomorrow.”

Katrina grabbed her hands. “Oh yes, that sounds so wonderful. We should get there every moment we can.”

“Oh God, my mother’s voice,” Maggie said, grimacing when she heard Rose. “Try not to be offended by anything she says. It will take superhuman strength.”

“Ha! Rose and her old wives’ tales don’t bother me. I’m worried what she’ll say when the baby is born.”

“She wouldn’t dare,” Maggie said, seething. “Don’t you worry about that.”

“Dave’s big concern is the backwoods folk.”

“Yeah, well, don’t worry about it yet, okay? We’ll come up with some snappy replies if we have to. People are more sophisticated nowadays because of television.”

They had to stop talking when Rose Angel came looking for her daughter. The rest of the gathering was nice. Annie got lots of gifts and because it was brunch, everyone was ready to leave by two.

The last to leave, Maggie hugged Katrina before getting into Gus’s truck. “Remember, Bonnet Island tomorrow.”
