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“Go for it.”

They took Dave’s pickup truck and stopped by Pearl’s Cajun and got the best pizza, the smell driving Katrina nuts so that she had to open the box and get a piece, trying not to drip grease and tomato sauce down the front of her t-shirt.

“Give me one, please,” Dave said, and he ate a piece while navigating the pothole-strewn dirt path to Bayou Cottage.

When he pulled up to the gate, he beeped the horn, and they saw Justin on the porch with a remote aimed at the keypad and the gate opened. There was a strange car parked next to the cottage.

“Who drives a Lamborghini?” Dave asked, frowning.

“You got me.” They pulled up alongside the car and Katrina’s phone beeped, her heart skipping a beat.

“Oh shit,” she said, turning to Dave. “It’s Amber and her boyfriend, Phil. They came to get a dog they’re adopting from the rescue.”

“Tough. Let’s go. I’m glad I’ve got grease all over my face.”

“I don’t think I can hold my gut in.”

“Tough shit. Stick that bad boy out. It’s time she learns the truth.”

“Um, I’m not sure about that, Dave.”

“Wait and I’ll get the food.”

She sat in the car, her heart finally beating normally again. All would be well. Dave would make it well.

He opened the passenger door and leaned in to kiss her. “You look so cute. Everything will be okay. I promise you. If she’s with a guy who can afford that car, she won’t give a crap about us together.”

“If you say so,” Katrina said, not convinced.

Maggie came out to the truck, a smirk on her face, and when she made eye contact with Katrina, she laughed.

“You two,” Dave said, moved. “Earth mothers.”

They kissed and Katrina handed her a big bag of sandwiches and fries.

They walked to the porch, smiling as they approached Phil Adler, clearly besotted by the two pregnant women.

“Wow, is it inappropriate to say how adorable?” he asked, his eyes shining. “I apologize, but you are so cute.”

“Like a couple of weebles,” Maggie said, snickering, remembering a childhood toy of egg-shaped characters that because of their girth, couldn’t be knocked down.

“You really are,” Amber said, sincerely stunned.

So, the person he was cheating on her with was Katrina Blanchard, and she was pregnant with Dave’s baby. He was a prick for doing that to her, dumping her for Katrina and, it appeared, getting her pregnant right away. Once she stopped shaking, she’d be able to congratulate them.

Justin introduced Dave and Katrina to Phil and it was about as uncomfortable as it could be and still be pleasant.

“Can you stay for lunch?” Justin asked, not knowing what else to do since enough food for an army had just arrived.

“We’d love to, but the rescue opens at noon and we have to pick up our baby,” Amber said.

“Congratulations,” they chorused.

Finally, Phil and Amber got into their fancy car and drove away, waving.

“Why’d they come down here?” Dave asked, grimacing.

“They saw the barn,” Justin answered. “I know Phil from the Wild Horse Preservation group so I guess he was comfortable beeping his horn like a fool down at the gate.”
