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The easy walk to the café gave them a chance to catch up. It was a balmy morning, not yet too hot, the briny breeze from the water bringing with it the smell of fresh caught fish. The women tipped their heads up, sniffing.

“I’m having fish for lunch today,” Katrina said, laughing.

Annie held the door when they arrived at the café so Katrina could get her stroller through.

“You’ve done this before,” Katrina said, watching Annie hold the door and push her own stroller into the café.

The booth down at the end was available, and they took it to stay out of the way with their strollers and hooter hiders and baby implements.

“This is so nice,” Annie said, looking Katrina in the eye. “I was beginning to wonder if I would ever talk to you again.”

Taken aback, Katrina wondered if she had truly ignored her friendships or if there was something else at play here.

“Annie, you can call me anytime. Monday, I worked with a three-day-old baby, and it’s my new job as CMO now so I don’t have the free time I used to have.”

“I’m sorry. I expect too much.”

“No, you don’t. I just don’t have a lot to give right now. With the baby and Dave home, it’s nonstop. I’m grateful you’d see me today. Saturdays are usually family days.”

“That’s not the case with me,” Annie said. “Steve is either working or who knows what he’s doing. He might be seeing another woman.”

Frowning, Katrina bit her tongue before she said anything scathing. If Steve was having an affair, it would be the second one in a year. She decided to let that one go.

“You’re busy with school, right? And aren’t you still working at the rescue? I’m out of touch from being stuck in the hospital.”

“Right, I’m at the rescue five days in the morning and then online classes and studying most afternoons. Calista was babysitting for me, but she gave birth to twins so she is taking some time off.”

Katrina had suggested Alphé’s sister-in-law, Calista, as a possible babysitter when Annie made the decision to go back to school.

“How’s that working for you?” Katrina asked. Calista had been a close friend but he hadn’t reached out in months.

“It’s great. She’s great. He loves going there. He’ll start going back there when she gets on her feet.”

“Yikes, so she has her hands full.”

“Her hands are full. I’m not sure how it will work, but I don’t have a choice right now. What are you going to do?”

“I have to hire a nanny. Dave can’t stay home from work forever. And when I start traveling again, I’ll have to take the baby with me which means a nanny has to come along.”

“Where do you even start looking for a nanny?” Annie asked. “It sounds daunting.”

“It is. But my company works with an agency that will help me find someone. I’d better start because my maternity leave ends pretty soon.”

“You just had the kid!” Annie said.

“Remember I was laid up weeks before I had him. They’ll take that into account. It’s okay, I can do almost everything from home. Traveling close to home I can do. But if they expect me to go into corporate, I’ll quit. I’m not staying in San Francisco for weeks at a time. I’d hate it and Dave wouldn’t survive.”

“Dave’s so wonderful,” Annie said, giggling. “I wish they had a third brother. Now if only Steve would either get his act together or leave.”

“Oh, Annie, I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah, but it serves me right. I acted like a horny teenager and that’s what I got in return. I’m just waiting to see what my husband is going to do. As long as I’m in school, I can’t leave anyway. No money.”

“How long does your program last?”

“Between twelve and sixteen months. I’m determined to finish in twelve though so I can get my license.”

“I really admire you, Annie. Going to school with an infant and working is a big task.”
