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Justin turned to smile at Dave and they high-fived.

“The last thing in the world.”


The Following Fall

Maintaining peace and serenity at Creole Cottage was a losing battle as Dave tried to catch a naked and soaking wet Davie running through the house, screaming like a banshee.

“Oh my God,” Katrina cried from the kitchen, trying to get work done before they had to leave for a birthday party at Bayou Cottage.

“I’m sorry! He got away from me.”

Walking, errunningwas an earlier than usual milestone reached by Davie, who screamed “Dada, no!” when Dave finally caught him.

“You little thing!” Dave cried, close enough to grab.

“That does it. I’m going out to my car,” Katrina said, shaking her head.

The car was the temporary office, the only place where she could work in peace. Once they made the discovery that their son was a wild child and wasn’t going to quietly play while Katrina worked, Luke Esprit drew up the blueprints for an office above the garage.

“I don’t want to be away from you two, but this is crazy,” she shouted above the din.

“Go to the car!” Dave replied, laughing. “We’ll leave for the bash in half an hour.”

“I hope I’ll be finished by then,” she said, grabbing her laptop.

With his son in his arms, Dave walked to the landing so they could watch Katrina go to her car.

“You drove her out of the house, buddy,” he said, the boy bending backward trying to get loose from his father’s secure grip.

“Mama!” he yelled, pointing, while Katrina waved him off.

“You really trust me,” Dave said, holding him around the waist so he could perform acrobatics which included pretending to fly upside down. “Now for the diaper. Are you going to cooperate?”

He lay quietly on the bed while his diaper was changed, focusing on Dave’s Apple watch while he played with Baby Zoo, an app for babies they had uploaded for him.

“Next for you is potty training,” Dave said, dressing him in his little blue jeans and t-shirt and the smallest Wellingtons they could find. “You’re ready for the party. Hand over the watch, please.”

Davie hesitated for the briefest moment but gave the watch back.

“Thank you,” Dave said, kissing him, buckling the watch on his wrist. The little boy watched every move, pretending to wrap something around his wrist.

“You want a watch? I’ll look into it.”

The doorbell rang. “I bet that’s your sitter,” Dave said, picking Davie up to go out to the front door. If he put him down, he’d have to go on a high-speed chase to catch him again.

On the other side of the door, Alphé’s oldest daughter, almost sixteen-year-old Angela Beaumont, waited.

“Angie!” Dave said, opening the door. “You ready for the kiddie party on steroids?”

“I’m ready,” she said, putting her hands out for Davie. “Aw, look how cute you are.”

She kissed his cheek and at the same time he rubbed his eyes.

“I bet he naps in the car,” Dave said. “I’ll get Katrina from the garage.”

“Ugh, she had to work today?”
