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“No way. I just have to work things out. I’ll know more tomorrow when I talk to Ian.”

“Ian’s working on a Saturday?”

“Yeah, hard to believe.”

They dressed in T-shirts and sweatpants and went out to the kitchen. “Oh, man. Wine,” she said. “This reminds me.”

“Yeah, I promise not to drink the whole bottle.”

“Not that, Dave. Drink all you want. I’ve been thinking; we should have another kid.”

He frowned. “Really? Where’d that come from?”

“Davie is so good with other kids. I almost wish we would have had another right away.”

“Wow. I have to admit, that’s the last thing on my mind.”

She barked out a laugh. “You have a lot of drama on your mind, that’s why. I’m sorry I’m so insensitive. Of course this isn’t the time to bring it up. The bottle just reminded me that if I get pregnant, I can’t drink again. The timing of doing it over Lent was perfect.”

“Can we talk about it after Christmas?” he asked, chuckling.

He got her dinner out of the oven and poured her a glass of wine. They ate and caught up. She told him more about the job issue, and he told her his thoughts about looking for a rape kit.

“It’s possible that she didn’t tell her parents she was going to the police,” she agreed. “But why wouldn’t they have nabbed Val right then?”

“Maybe no evidence? He left for the Army right away; at least that’s the story I got.”

“What are you going to do?” Katrina asked.

“Just start digging around. I even thought of asking Rose to do a little reconnaissance work, but it sounds like she turned on my dad.”
