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“Well, he was fine when I came back. Anyway, I don’t want to make things worse for you, but I have a bit of information.”

“Okay, go ahead.”

“Elizabeth told me Vic admitted that he’d raped Emily.”

“Is that right?”

“I keep thinking that she might have gone to the police on her own, without her parents’ knowledge. Have you looked for any information about a report yet? What if there’s an old rape kit in an evidence locker somewhere? I just read about a case where the rape kit was old and they got a profile from it.”

There was silence at the other end, but she could hear him breathing. “I’ve actually been thinking about the possibility,” Dave finally said.

“I told your father that it doesn’t make any difference, but maybe it does. I don’t want to interfere with Chris trying to forge a relationship with his father, but it might be a problem for you and Justin down the line.”

“It might. I wish I didn’t know about the accusation. It would have been fine to just leave it at consensual sex that led to a pregnancy.”

“I’m sorry,” Rose said.

“It’s not your fault. If I learn anything, I’ll let you know.”

“Same here. One more thing. I almost forgot. I found the dress she wore the night of the incident, and it hadn’t been laundered.”

She heard him moan. “Rose, I didn’t need to know that. Why would she hold on to it?”

“I don’t know. She was away at the maternity home for five months, and knowing how nosy Margaret was, not going through Emily’s things doesn’t seem plausible. All her letters are here, letters her mother wrote her before she had the baby. Margaret either missed them or they were hidden or she just didn’t care. Maybe Emily saved the letters in case she needed to prove something down the line, like if the child tried to find her later and wanted an explanation as to why she gave him up.”

“Who was Margaret?” Dave asked.

“Emily’s mother. Your grandmother.”

“There’s an entire family that I don’t know.”

“Only her brother, Thom, and his wife, Gretchen, who are Bridget’s parents.”

“What are they like?”

“I don’t remember much about them. Thom was older. He went off to war. You’ll have to ask your father, but the reason Emily had estranged herself from them was because they sided with Val Amotte. Val is Gretchen’s brother.”

“I will ask my dad. Thank you for calling, Rose.”

They ended the call. Rose went back to sorting through Emily’s papers and letters.
