Page 61 of Wild Moon

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For once, I just stand back and let the guys handle it. No, I’m not being a damsel. There’s no room for me to get in there. Kingsley, leading the charge, drives his fist into the face of the middle alien. His punch flings the tall, lanky thing out into the hallway so hard it hits the wall on the other side before flopping to the floor. Big guy isn’t holding back at all here. Pretty sure he killed it by crushing its head. Rich and Bud square off with the other aliens, to much less effect. They land only one or two punches before the aliens grab them and the fight turns into a wrestling match.

Velma bonks the one on the left over the head with the probe. Not terribly effective but she’s determined to keep trying.

Carson seems torn between adding himself to the fray or staying by Gemma, who’snothandling this well at all. Poor woman can barely tolerate going to a restaurant after work. This is a bit too much for her introversion to cope with. Then again, most people would probably have a bit of a mental breakdown after being kidnapped by aliens.

Kingsley grabs the alien Velma is not bonking, lifts it off its feet by one hand around the neck, and effortlessly breaks its spine. Witnessing the display of overwhelming strength is enough for the last surviving Xiphos to decide to flee. It flings Bud into Velma, knocking them both over, and makes a run for it. Rich drops low and kicks the alien’s legs out from under it. Velma tosses the probe to Kingsley, who then impales it in the back of the alien’s head. A stake does not need to be sharp if the arm behind it is ridiculously strong.

Most of the abductees look away before impact. Velma’s the only one other than me and Kingsley who kept watching. The somewhat older lady has this ‘good for you’ smile on her face. Heh. I like her.

Kingsley steps out into the hall, looks around.

“Gonna put something on first?” I ask.

“There’s nothing here that’ll fit me.”

I pluck his bag out of the bin... and see a bottle of water. Good news—and not because I’m thirsty. “Here you go, big guy. Guess they put me in the tank next to yours for a few minutes. Probably moved me down the hall because there’s only one table in here.”

Kingsley catches the bag I toss to him. He doesn’t bother putting anything on yet, likely because he wants to stay ready to shapeshift if needed. Not going to complain. This place needs some better scenery.

Meanwhile, I undo the cap on the Dasani bottle without lifting it out of the bin so no one sees me draw the water out into the shape of my ice sword. Once the bottle’s empty and the sword solid and sharp, I lift it out into view. “Oh, this will come in handy.”

“Is that a lightsaber?” asks Titus.

“Nah. It’s not glowing,” I say, hoping my lie isn’t too obvious. “Just reflecting the weird light in here.”

This ship is here on a science mission,says Xaan, his telepathic voice seemingly echoing off the walls.Humans are intriguing to the Xiphos, but also scary enough to where they value secrecy. We believe the humans would incinerate themselves rather than accept the Xiphos invading and taking over.

Kingsley chuckles. “Yeah, probably. Back us into a corner, we’ll nuke the whole damned planet before surrendering.”

“What does that have to do with the way out of here?” asks Bud.

Yeah, I’m being a little dumb. I could get everyone in hand-holding circle and teleport us all to safety. Is it wrong of me that I’d rather cut my way out past however many aliens are here than try to explain to a bunch of people how I managed to teleport? Oh, hmm. I wonder if we can find a room that kinda looks like a transporter bay fromStar Trek.I could teleport and say it was alien technology. That might work.

You have two choices, new friends.

Xaan’s soft, soothing voice quiets everyone, even Kingsley. We all end up staring at him expectantly. Crap. I thought about teleporting, which means he knows I can do it.

I will lead you to the exit and flee with you, even if it means I am stranded on Earth. Or… with your help, we can disable the bridge crew, allowing me to take over this entire ship and return home.

“How many are there?” asks Kingsley.

You have rendered two unconscious.Xaan looks from me to Kingsley.He has killed two. And three more are dead here. That leaves about eight.

“Xaan?” I ask.

That is me.

“No, I have a question. I said your name to get your attention.”

Oh. Humans are curious. I see why you find names useful.

“Right… umm… if we leave, will these Xiphos keep abducting people? Or will they flee Earth?”

They will certainly continue obtaining specimens for long term research until they have filled the storage units. Then, they will depart earth with forty humans who will likely not return. Their experience in the Xiphos’ laboratories will not be pleasant. You would call them lab rats.

Everyone cringes.

“Oh, hell no.” Titus shakes his head. “I vote we kick some alien ass.”
