Page 104 of Knot My Pack

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The blood on my cheek is still warm. My fingers slide over bits of something soft and fleshy...

My stomach churns at the thought of having bits of the waiter’s flesh stuck to my face. I heave uncontrollably, emptying the sparse contents of my stomach.

The taste of bile is bitter and acerbic in my throat. Its pungency is what causes some of the haze to lift off my mind.

I whirl around and find myself standing in an unfamiliar room.

I must’ve walked in here unconsciously after being pushed out of the entrance hall by others. That’s the only explanation I can come up with.

The room is small. Chairs are stacked up in columns in one corner. Cardboard boxes are piled up in another. It looks like a storeroom.

I can still hear the commotion happening outside. Women’s shrieks and thundering footsteps filter in through the walls.

My mind won’t stop replaying the terrifying scene of watching a man’s face blow up in my face. Closing my eyes, I lean against a wall, willing my heart to calm down.

My stomach churns sickeningly but thankfully, my breathing turns normal after a while.

I’m worried about Julian. Is he still among those who’re running and shouting outside? Did Caleb and his brothers reach him yet?

My purse contains my phone and wallet. It’s a second before I realize I’ve dropped it sometime during the commotion earlier. Cursing my luck, I lean against a wall.

Things have gone quiet outside but the people who shot at us could still be out there.

I debate whether to leave the safety of this small storage room when the door suddenly opens. Looking up, I spot the most unwanted man at the threshold.

Nox Callahan stares right at me, his dark eyes glittering like a predator’s. He prowls forward while my gaze nervously darts around the small room looking for an escape.

Coming close, he towers over me. “How you can lie, my rose,” he says in a low, amused voice.

I’m forced to step back because he’s intent on keeping no distance between us. My back hits the wall. “Don’t come any closer,” I say, extending my arms forward.

Callahan’s chest presses onto my hands. He’s built of hard muscles underneath his lavish suit.

“Are you some kind of a pervert who likes targeting young beta women?” I ask as he leans in to sniff my hair.

“Beta?” he scoffs. “You’re an omega, Rose. The effects of the de-scenter you’ve been using have finally waned.” He sniffs loudly against my neck. “You smell so damn seductive. Fuck! Your scent is begging me to take you right here.”

Fear floods me. Heknows.

“You smell even more exotic than your mother, Rose,” Callahan moans. His hands settle on my hips as he stares into my eyes. “It’s a shame I lost her but’ll be mine.”

I’m repulsed by the very thought of being touched by this man. Scared as I am of him, I’m never giving up without a fight.

Steadying myself, I raise my leg and jut my knee into Callahan’s gut.

A gasp escapes him as he stumbles backward.

Pushing him away, I sprint toward the door.

“Stop right there!” Callahan’s voice thunders from behind me. The command is uttered with such force that my muscles lock in place, refusing to move.

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip hard enough to break the skin. The tang of blood on my tongue jolts me out of my temporary paralysis, allowing me to move again.

I’m almost at the door when hard fingers clutch at my hair.

A cry escapes me as Callahan mercilessly pulls at my strands. The clips and pins holding my hair in place dig into my scalp, making it worse.

Callahan whirls me around and wraps his fingers around my neck. “I told you not to run,” he barks, showing me his long white canines. “Don’t you dare disobey me again!” He slams me into the wall right beside the door.
