Page 41 of Knot My Pack

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Happiness like I haven’t felt in ages, surges through me. I grab more sandwiches and head to the table.

I’m not too hungry after the breakfast Julian made me earlier, so I have a bowl of soup. It’s not as good as Ethan’s but it’s close enough.

When we’re done eating, I carry our plates and bowls to the sink. Before anyone can tell me, I start washing them.

There’s no way I’m missing the opportunity to show them my skills in the kitchen.

“Let’s go up to the attic,” Julian suggests after I’m done.


We make our way upstairs once again.

Raiden opens the door to the attic and gestures for us to walk inside.

My gaze falls toward the bed the moment I enter the room. The cot has been shifted under a window and looks inviting with a new sheet on it. There’s a small bedside table as well. The area around the bed is clean, neat, and spacious.

I can imagine myself nesting here. A nice book and a mug of hot chocolate are all that I’ll need to spend a cozy evening. Maybe I’ll check out the cables and power on the PlayStation along with one of the smart TVs that’s gathering dust here.

“What do you think?” Julian asks.

“It’s so much better than the storeroom in the dormitory building,” I say. “Thank you for setting this up for me.” I look toward Raiden. “Thanks.”

“We’ll get you more stuff,” says Julian. “I’ll even try shifting you to one of the guestrooms later. Just hang on, okay?”

I nod and feel a smile coming on my lips. “Thanks.”

He smiles back, making the butterflies in my stomach take flight.

“Let’s give her a break,” says Raiden. “She looks exhausted.”

“When does Caleb come back from work?” I ask before they leave.

“Around seven, I guess,” Raiden replies.

“I’ll make sure dinner is ready by then.”

Julian moves closer to me and gently caresses my head. “Just relax. You’ve done enough for your first day here.” Suddenly, he’s folding his arms around me and drawing me in a hug.

My heart pounds against my chest. I struggle not to breathe. Too much of his intoxicating scent and I won’t be able to control my reaction in front of him.

I can’t let Raiden see my reactions either. Alphas are highly possessive of their omega mates. He’ll kill me for even wanting Julian.

I’m a mess by the time Julian and Raiden walk out of the room.

Left alone, I collapse on the bed. The sheets rustle under my weight. They smell clean.

Kicking my shoes off, I drag my body toward the pillow. The mattress is soft. Unlike the storeroom, it’s warm in here.

My eyes close and I doze off within minutes.



A relieved sigh escapes me the moment I step through the doors of the entrance hall. It’s been a long day and I can’t wait to unwind.

My gaze falls on Julian who’s sitting on the couch and leafing through a magazine. He is so absorbed in it, he doesn’t notice my presence.
