Page 82 of Knot My Pack

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“He owns the restaurant where you worked?” I ask after a while.

“Yeah. He’s a really good chef. He taught me most of the things I know about cooking.” A smile comes onto her lips.

Pure jealousy hits me like a club to the chest. I want her to smile like that when she’s thinking ofme.

Fuck! How the hell did I go from not wanting her around Julian to wanting her all to myself?

I glance at the petite, vulnerable young woman at my side. What is it about her that’s driving us all crazy?

“What would you like to eat?” I ask, not wanting to take her home just yet.


“It’s been hours since we last ate breakfast,” I say, hoping to distract her. “I’m starving.”

She nods. “I can cook when we get home.”

“Didn’t you hear what the doc said? You need rest.”

“Eating outside is so expensive.”

My brows quirk at that comment. I’m torn between amusement and pity.

Does she think I’ve gone broke after shelling out the millions to her parents? Or is it a completely personal opinion that eating outside would tear a hole in her pocket?

Either way, I need her to know that being with me is different than what it’s like with her parents. David Collins and his wife probably saved all the pampering for their omega daughter.

“I can afford us a meal,” I say. “What would you like to eat?”

She turns in her seat and looks at me. “There’s this place that makes the best sundaes,” she says. “It’s the only thing that makes me feel better when I’m depressed.”

“You still can’t tell me what the doc told you? I can take you to a better specialist who’ll help you get better.”

She shakes her head. “No one can help me with my condition.” Her expression dims again.

“Where’s this ice cream place?” I ask before she can go silent again.

“You like ice cream?”

A chuckle escapes me. “Sure. Especially in this cold weather.”

Surprise flickers in those green eyes. “Same here.”

“So, where is it?”

“Do you know of Mama Gelato on Jeremiah Row?” she asks.

“Nope, but we’re going there.”

Iris smiles, and this time, it’s solely targeted at me.

Warmth washes over me as if I’ve just had a sip of hot chocolate. Fuck! I could get used to her smiling all the time around me.

I direct the car toward Jeremiah Row. It’s not too far from the area we were driving through right now.

An excited grin comes over Iris as I park the car. She climbs out and waits for me to grab my keys.

“It’s over there,” she says, grabbing my hand and pulling.

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